"Yes, I almost forgot that you are Cheng Xuehui's sister." Jinyinyu sighed helplessly and said, "you can live here. Anyway, it doesn't matter if I have more you here. Besides, song Zhiheng also wants to live here. I'm afraid it's inconvenient for me and him to live in the evening. Now that you're here, there's no gossip. "

"OK! "Luo Xiwei, smiling happily, said to Jin Yinyu," then I'm not polite. " She laughs and happily looks at which room is still available, and which one she lives in. In the end, her eyes were fixed on the smallest room in the room. Although the space was a little small, the furniture was brand-new and the room was clean and tidy, which made Luo Xiwei like it very much.

"By the way, what about song Zhiheng?" Gold and silver jade see Luo Xiwei happy do not miss Shu, also have no intention to care about her happiness and anger, she just want to know, at this moment, where song Zhiheng went. Since Song Zhiheng has said that she wants to live here, she should care about it as a roommate.

"I'll stay in this one, will you?" Luo Xiwei said to Jin Yinyu with a smile. She seemed to have not heard the gold and silver jade talking to her at all, and still enjoyed the bedroom.

Jin Yinyu nodded and said to Luo Xiwei, "you can sleep in any room you like. As long as you don't occupy the largest one in my room, I live in the largest one. By the way, Luo Xiwei, where is song Zhiheng? Was he there when you came? "

"Oh, song Zhiheng..." Luo Xiwei said to Jin Yinyu without thinking, "he went to deliver rice to Cheng Xuehui. I don't know when he will come back. And When I came, song Zhiheng was here! "

"Oh." If jinyinyu thinks about it, nods and says to song Zhiheng, "do you know if he will come back tonight?"

Jin Yinyu's words, Luo Xiwei always felt as if she had heard it before! Can't you come back at night? Of course, come back! Where else does song Zhiheng live? However, Luo Xiwei suddenly remembered that this sentence seemed to be what she and song Zhiheng talked about when jinyinyu was away today. They are wondering whether jinyinyu will come back in the evening. They even wonder whether jinyinyu will live with uncle at night and not come back

Oh, my God! Although Luo Xiwei always disagrees with song Zhiheng's idea in her mouth, she has had such a guess in her heart! At this moment, Luo Xiwei looks at the gold and silver jade is standing here, and she suddenly feels that she really thinks much. Maybe jinyinyu and uncle are just friends? Maybe she's really the uncle's daughter? Or is uncle her uncle or any other relative? Looking at jinyinyu standing in front of her, she finally firmly believed that jinyinyu was definitely not a bad girl like what they had just guessed!

"What are you thinking?" Gold and silver jade side looking at Luo Xiwei, said to Luo Xiwei.

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei finally came back from the thousands of thoughts. Looking at jinyinyu's extremely serious appearance, she quickly said to jinyinyu, "no Nothing Nothing... "

"You haven't answered my question yet." Jin Yinyu continued to ask Luo Xiwei, "do you know that song Zhiheng can't come back tonight?"

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