"I I don't know. " Luo Xiwei blurted out. However, she thought, how can song Zhiheng not come back? Cheng Xuehui's injury has nothing serious, even if song Zhiheng stays in the hospital to take care of her, it seems that it will not play a big role. Including Cheng Xuehui, if you want to go to the bathroom at night, song Zhiheng seems to be unable to help at all! Luo Xiwei knows that Cheng Xuehui, as a popular female star, should not have too many scandals, especially she has had an affair with song Zhiheng. Therefore, there can not be more rumors between them, and they need to keep a distance more! Then, Luo Xiwei suddenly said, "but Maybe It should come back! "

"Maybe? Should it be? " Jinyinyu looked at Luo Xiwei reluctantly. The feeling that Luo Xiwei was an unreachable big star suddenly disappeared. In a moment, she felt that Luo Xiwei had no star aura. She was no different from passers-by. Even, she felt that she was more like a star. Jinyinyu smiles beautifully. She suddenly feels that she is better than luoxiwei in appearance, age, experience, or aura. She is almost a little floating. She felt that the distance between herself and the female star was just a chance missing.

"I I don't know... " "He didn't tell me when he left that he couldn't come back. But I think he will come back. He told me that he had told you that he would live here

"I see." Jin Yinyu suddenly became not interested in Luo Xiwei. How can a person like a passer-by become a star! Jin Yinyu was very surprised. Gold and silver jade turned around, do not know when, song Zhiheng has stood behind her, God does not know, let her feel at a loss. Gold, silver and jade stood there with their eyes wide open. Finally, she looked at Song Zhiheng so handsome and upright standing there, and then exclaimed, "Song Zhiheng! You When did you come in? I have no sense at all! "

"Oh, I just came in." Song Zhiheng said faintly, "you Back? "

"Yes." Jin Yinyu said to song Zhiheng with a smile. She thought with joy that song Zhiheng was interested in her whereabouts. She smiles and jokingly says to song Zhiheng, "why? You don't miss me, do you? "

"That's not true." Jin Yinyu's words almost let song Zhiheng spit out a mouthful of blood. He has and only Cheng Xuehui in his heart. How can he be interested in a little girl film like Jin Yinyu? What's more, song Zhiheng is even more disdainful to a woman whose boyfriend is unconscious and doesn't go to the hospital to have a look. With a cold smile, he said to Jin Yinyu, "I thought you would have a good time with Uncle tonight and have a good night."

Song Zhiheng's words surprised Luo Xiwei! She really did not think that song Zhiheng's mouth could be so poisonous!

"What do you say?" Jin Yinyu's face was full of surprise. She didn't know what song Zhiheng was talking about, what uncle, what to play for a night. What did this mean? Jinyinyu looked at Song Zhiheng in surprise. He didn't know what medicine he was selling in his gourd.

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