Unfortunately, song Zhiheng was not.

Therefore, Luo Xiwei's heart felt so sad, and song Zhiheng in front of him felt a little disappointed. However, despite this, Luo Xiwei pretended not to care very much. She was afraid that song Zhiheng could see the embarrassment in her heart.

"How can these two people just eat and do nothing else?" Song Zhiheng was a little impatient.

"What do you want them to do?" Luo Xiwei asked in a puzzled way.

"I hope They can talk Especially love talk. " Song Zhiheng said to Luo Xiwei.

"You are very demanding." Luo Xiwei said to song Zhiheng, "it's good to be able to see inside. Just now, you can't see anything, even this crack."

"Look, look!" Song Zhiheng suddenly pointed to the people in the room and said, "they have finished eating."

"When you've finished eating, you've finished! Do you need such a fuss? " Luo Xiwei was more puzzled about why song Zhiheng was so excited about the gold, silver and jade. Even through the window, what do they see? What's more, Luo Xiwei was not so interested in gold, silver and jade as song Zhiheng.

"When they're done, they're about to move." Song Zhiheng said to Luo Xiwei.

"Why do you look like a spy show?" Luo Xiwei joked to song Zhiheng.

"Look, look!" Song Zhiheng suddenly excited, "jinyinyu took the initiative to embrace the middle-aged man."

Originally, Luo Xiwei was not interested in other people's gossip. However, since Song Zhiheng asked her to see it so enthusiastically, Luo Xiwei had to give song Zhiheng a face to see what happened inside.

Luo Xiwei will head close to the window, but see with the middle-aged man embracing the gold and silver jade seems to say something to the man, then, she will release her hand.

"Ah Isn't there supposed to be further action? Why not Song Zhiheng seems to be a little disappointed with the two people inside. Then, he is a little anxious. He really wants something to happen inside. At least, something can make him confirm that there is something between jinyinyu and the middle-aged man.

"People are not in a hurry. What are you worried about?" Luo Xiwei almost said to song Zhiheng with a tone of ridicule.

"Why am I not in a hurry? After I confirm the relationship between them, I will be able to help Xuehui take the house back Song Zhiheng quietly raised his mobile phone in his hand. He was already ready to turn on the photo taking function of the mobile phone. He was always ready to take out the evidence of the unusual relationship between the two people, so as to provide evidence for Jin Yinyu and Cheng Xuehui in their fight for a house in the future. Song Zhiheng finished, his eyes began to blink without blinking. Every nerve on his body was tense, and he was not allowed to make any mistakes at the critical time.

However, at this time, song Zhiheng saw gold, silver and jade gradually coming to them. Song Zhiheng was afraid to be seen by Jin Yinyu, so he quietly hid behind the wall.

However, song Zhiheng felt a slight movement on the opposite side of the wall only separated from him. Listening to the sound, it seemed that someone was tightening the curtain. Then, when everything was quiet, song Zhiheng returned to the window. At this time, song Zhiheng and Luo Xiwei found that the gap of about one centimeter had been tightly closed.

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