Song Zhiheng and Luo Xiwei look at each other. At present, they can't see anything that happens in the villa. They couldn't even hear all the sounds inside. So they had to work here in a hurry. They look at me, I look at you, they have to be silent.

All of a sudden, song Zhiheng heard the movement of tables and chairs in the house. Therefore, song Zhiheng listened carefully on the window. He always felt that something had happened in his mind. However, he could only listen to the more and more noise inside, but could not see anything.

If only the movement of these huge tables and chairs is nothing else, song Zhiheng thought, it certainly can't be used as evidence that Jin Yinyu pedals two boats. Song Zhiheng felt quite helpless. Listening to the sound of the bigger and bigger chairs in the room, he felt anxious and itching.

"What? What should we do? " Song Zhiheng said to Luo Xiwei, "we can't see anything now, and we can't shoot anything. If nothing can be photographed, then I have no evidence to prove it. In this case, Cheng Xuehui's house is no way to get back. "

"Is that what you really want to see?" Luo Xiwei asked song Zhiheng very seriously.

Song Zhiheng nodded to Luo Xiwei very seriously. In his spare time, he raised his head in silence, which made song Zhiheng laugh: "God helps me!"

"What are you going to do?" Luo Xiwei asked anxiously, "you don't want to..."

"Yes." Before Luo Xiwei finished, song Zhiheng interrupted her, "I want to climb up from here, climb to the window on the second floor, and enter his villa. I want to see everything in the end! You wait at the door. I'll open the door for you later. You can come in again

"This Isn't this burglary? " Luo Xiwei felt a little afraid.

"As long as we don't take a flower or a grass, it's not theft." Song Zhiheng comforted Luo Xiwei and said, "it's too late. I'll climb up first. You go to the door and wait for me." Song Zhiheng ordered.

Helpless, Luo Xiwei had to wait at the door of the villa, waiting for song Zhiheng to help her open the door. The cold wind made Luo Xiwei shiver and made her shiver in the cold wind. However, she promised song Zhiheng to wait here, so Luo Xiwei had to wait at the door in order to keep her promise.

The power of love is really great. Song Zhiheng climbed to the second floor along the water pipe without any obstacles. Turning into the second floor, song Zhiheng felt his pocket a little worried. Then, he breathed softly: Fortunately, the mobile phone is still there.

The setting of the house is really luxurious. The home is all white European furniture, which looks very beautiful. The chandelier in the room is very gorgeous, which dazzles song Zhiheng. At this moment, song Zhiheng suddenly burst out the idea of working harder and harder in the performing arts circle. Only in this way can he, like the rich people in Jiangchuan, afford the villa here. His present wealth may only be enough to buy a room in a noble villa. Such a gap makes song Zhiheng feel anxious. For his own future, for the future of him and Cheng Xuehui, song Zhiheng knows that he needs to work harder. Otherwise, he really does not know what to give Cheng Xuehui happiness. Especially in a few months. Song Zhiheng thought, how should we marry Cheng Xuehui before giving birth to a child? Otherwise, how can she bear the pressure of unmarried children and public opinion? , the fastest update of the webnovel!