"Well You go to sleep for a while. " Luo Xiwei saw that song Zhiheng began to yawn constantly, so he said to song Zhiheng.

"Yes, Zhiheng, you should have a good sleep. You haven't slept all night." Liang Qiaoqiao said, "I will not disturb you. I will go home first."

"Yes, Qiao Qiao, you go back quickly. You didn't sleep well in the hospital last night. I told you to go home first and explain to Luo Xiwei another day. You didn't listen to her. You had to wait until luoxiwei woke up and explain to her in front of her. Now, all the explanations are finished. You'd better go back earlier. Do you have to go to work at ten o'clock? It's not too early. Hurry up, go home and have a good sleep

Liang Qiaoqiao smile: "good, then I'll go home first." Every time she smiles, she is very generous to show eight neat big white teeth, which is particularly dignified and beautiful. She waved to Luo Xiwei and song Zhiheng, and then stepped on her sonorous and powerful high-heeled shoes and left here rhythmically.

"Well, you'd better eat your breakfast first, or it'll be cold." Song Zhiheng put up the folding table on the hospital bed and put breakfast on it, "I'll go out to sleep for a while first."

"Don't you eat it?" Seeing that song Zhiheng was about to leave, Luo Xiwei asked.

"I did." Song Zhiheng didn't even return his head. He ran out into the hallway and lay down on a chair in the corridor and fell asleep.

Luo Xiwei watched song Zhiheng leave. Seeing song Zhiheng lying down on the chair in the corridor, Luo Xiwei suddenly felt sad. She looked at Song Zhiheng just lying on the chair in the corridor, closed her eyes and looked as if she had fallen asleep. Suddenly she felt a trace of heartache. Luo Xiwei suddenly felt that a good man's shoulders always bear too much pressure. Normally speaking, song Zhiheng is not her boyfriend. He can take her to the hospital and ignore everything. Then he said that she was put in the hospital alone and ignored, but he did not. He had been busy all night and helped her with breakfast very kindly, which made Luo Xiwei feel very moved. Even if it's a boyfriend, I'm afraid it's just like this, Luo Xiwei thought. Therefore, Luo Xiwei is very pleased to smile, in the heart sincerely blessing song Zhiheng, hoping that he can catch up with his favorite woman as soon as possible. Although Luo Xiwei doesn't like Cheng Xuehui, if he wants song Zhiheng to find his own happiness, it's not that he wants him to be with his beloved woman? Even though Luo Xiwei doesn't like her any more, she is after all the woman song Zhiheng loves most. For song Zhiheng, all the women in the world may not be as perfect as Cheng Xuehui. Perhaps, this is the so-called love.

Think of here, Luo Xiwei's eyes suddenly moist, she did not know at this moment Park minhao how, his injury has been good. Although Luo Xiwei knew that such a wound could not be cured in such a short time as two days a day. However, the reality is always full of fantasy, sometimes clearly know that some things can not happen, but she still hope. Just as she hoped Park Min Ho had never had an affair with another woman. The reality is that he has been very close with the woman named Ning Xin.

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