Luo Xiwei looked out of the window in a daze. Two breakfast, Luo Xiwei ate one and a half. When her eyes see song Zhiheng who is sleeping soundly outside, luoxiwei's sleepiness suddenly comes up. She suddenly felt a little tired, so she put away the folding table, ready to lie down to sleep.

At this time, Luo Xiwei a glance at the mobile phone on the head of the bed.

Luo Xiwei recognized that the mobile phone was song Zhiheng. When she was hesitating whether to give the mobile phone to song Zhiheng who was sleeping outside, his mobile phone rang.

Luo Xiwei hesitated for two seconds, and finally decided to answer the phone for song Zhiheng, who was already sleeping.

"Zhiheng! Do you know, microblog now you and Luo Xiwei's affair has ranked first, on hot search! What's the matter with you? Didn't you tell me you like Cheng Xuehui? How did you get along with luoxiwei again? What's more, there are many pictures of you and Luo Xiwei living together on Weibo. Your boy was infatuated with Cheng Xuehui. You've been infatuated with her for so many years. You won't really change your mind all at once, will you? " The other side said to her in a tone of impatience and jest.

"What do you say?" Luo Xiwei couldn't believe what she said.

"Ah? What is a woman's voice? " The other side is first Leng for a moment, and then said, "Oh, sorry, is it sister-in-law?"

"I am not. Who are you? " Luo Xiwei was very curious about who the other party was. She looked at the name displayed on her mobile phone, with the word "a Dai" written on it. But who is a Dai? Is there anyone else in the world called "a Dai"? Luo Xiwei felt some doubts in her heart. Perhaps it was because the other party was too familiar with song Zhiheng, so he wrote "a Dai" in the name column. But, as a stranger, can Luo Xiwei really call each other "a Dai"? Luo Xiwei knew that it was too impolite. What's more, she was also a public figure. How could she treat people like this?

"Sorry, I have the wrong number." The other side quickly said sorry words.

Luo Xiwei has a premonition that the next step is to hang up the phone after other people finish this kind of words. Therefore, Luo Xiwei quickly said: "you are a Dai!" However, Luo Xiwei still said the name "a Dai". She had to find out from each other.

"Yes, I am a Dai." The other side finally admitted, "that I'm looking for Zhiheng. Is he there? "

"He..." Luo Xiwei looked at Song Zhiheng who was sleeping soundly in the corridor and said to the other party, "he is still sleeping."

"Sleep?" As a result, he felt more and more confused about the rumors on Weibo. He finally couldn't help laughing and said, "haven't you got up yet?"

"He had been busy all night last night, and he only went to bed this morning." "If you have anything to say, I will help you to convey it," said Luo Xiwei! I'll tell him when he wakes up

"All night long?" At this moment, a Dai's mind finally wants to go with the public. He said quickly, "that In fact, it's nothing. I thought the media was writing nonsense, but I didn't expect it was true. So I won't disturb you, sister-in-law With that, a Dai finally hung up.

"Hello? Hello Luo Xiwei realized that a Dai was really misunderstood. She kept "feeding" on the phone, but then came a quick beep. She knew that the other party had already hung up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!