"Thank you, uncle." Park Min Ho said to Shen Hongwei very easygoing, "that In that case, uncle, can you go to work in peace and contentment? " Park Min Ho blinked at Shen Hongwei and said happily.

"Of course Shen Hongwei said happily as he said goodbye to park minhao, "that uncle is gone! Minho, come on! Uncle, take good care of you Shen Hongwei made a gesture of "fighting" with great excitement, and then left here.

Park Min Ho shook his head helplessly. He took a deep breath and squeezed a sweat for himself. The love between mother and son, brotherhood, kinship with uncle, any one of which park minhao could not bear to give up. On balance, it seems that only temporary use of white lies to ease the relationship between these three feelings.

All morning, park Min Ho was in the company dealing with the mess left by the company for months before. At the end of the afternoon, park Min Ho dared to go to the hospital in a hurry. He wanted to see what happened to Uncle Feng, and he also wanted to see what happened to park Zhihao, although he knew that it was very likely that park Zhihao was still awake.

Park Min Ho drove to the hospital by himself, and the road was smooth before he got to the off-duty point. It took him only five minutes to get to Jiangchuan hospital.

In the door, park Min Ho just met the head nurse. He stopped her in a hurry and asked eagerly, "head nurse, an old man coming this morning, his name is Feng Youcai. Which ward is he in

"Oh, the patient The head nurse seemed to remember Feng Youcai very clearly. He pointed to his right hand and said to park minhao, "turn right, then turn left in front of him. The third room is his ward."

Thank you Park Min Ho said thanks and ran to the ward.

When Park Min Ho came to Feng Youcai's ward, he found that Feng Youcai was the only one in the ward. Although his room was big enough and quiet enough, it seemed to make park Min Ho feel desolate. He saw an old man with white hair over 60 years old lying on the hospital bed feebly, sucking the oxygen in the oxygen bottle very hard. When he saw Park Min Ho outside the door, his eyes widened a little. But soon, his eyelids drooped again and looked very tired.

Under Feng Youcai's gaze, park Min Ho gently opens the door of the ward. Then, he took a look at Feng Youcai with a little apology and asked softly, "Uncle Feng, are you ok?"

Uncle Feng's mouth trembled slightly, but he seemed unable to speak. He opened his lips with difficulty, but his mouth could only utter a hoarse "ah" voice. As for what he wanted to say, he could not say a word. Then, Feng Youcai's eyes suddenly became moist. He had realized that he was really old. Let alone snatch the position of president with Park minhao, now he has no ability to speak a word normally. He deeply felt sad for himself! A tear fell from his eyes. Gravity made the tear flow down the corner of his eyes until it dropped on the pillow beside his ear.

Park minhao's heart suddenly throbbed. Looking at Feng Youcai's appearance at this moment, he felt extremely desolate, and his heart of compassion came into being.

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