"Uncle Feng." Park Min Ho was very humble and called out. He looked at Feng Youcai and all his dissatisfaction with Uncle Feng disappeared! His voice almost choked, and he couldn't control his inner excitement! Then, he kindly helped uncle Feng cover the quilt tightly, and said to him, "Uncle Feng, if you are not in good health, you should move less. Lie in bed and have a good rest. I believe you will get better soon."

Although uncle Feng can't move, his brain is still very clear. What Park Min Ho said to him, he could hear and understand the meaning. He had been so against Park Min Ho and opposed Park Min Ho as president, but he didn't seem to care about him. Instead, he came to the hospital to see him, which made him feel a little moved. On the contrary, none of the shareholders who had been close to him had come to see him. Uncle Feng suddenly felt that he was really wrong and should not be the enemy of such a park Min Ho.

"Uncle Feng, I made an important decision at the shareholders' meeting just now. I decided to be the president of the group for the time being, but you can rest assured that if Zhihao wakes up one day, I will return the position of president to him. " Having said that, park Min Ho smiles at Feng Youcai very generously.

"Feng Youcai!" At this time, the nurse pushed the door in. She looked at Park Min Ho standing in the ward and said to him, "are you the family member of Feng Youcai?"


Before Park Min Ho could finish his words, the nurse interrupted: "your family members are really irresponsible. Why are you so late? The old man had a sudden myocardial infarction on the way to the hospital. However, the two people who sent him had just sent the old man and left. After that, no one came to see the old man again. Do you have any family members like that? "

"I I'm not a family member of the patient. " Park Min Ho said to the nurse, "nurse, don't worry. I'll call his family for you in a moment. By the way, is there anything I can do for you? "

"Are you not a family member of the patient?" The nurse looked at Park Min Ho with some embarrassment, "I need the signature of the family members here. Since you are not the patient's family member, it is not good for you to sign it! What's more, the money for rescuing the patient hasn't been paid. You can either help him or call his family to pay for it. "

"I'll pay for it." Park Min Ho did not hesitate to say to the nurse, "doctor, uncle Feng, how is his condition? Sudden myocardial infarction Is his condition serious now? And He doesn't seem to be able to talk now. When will he get better? "

"I don't know. I'm just a nurse. I'm not a doctor. I just took over the shift today. I don't know the specific situation. Even the situation in the morning was told by another nurse when the shift was over." The nurse took a look at Feng Youcai on the hospital bed and said to park minhao, "however, it seems that it is not very optimistic. But after all, I'm not a doctor, and I can't talk nonsense. If you want to know the specific situation, ask the doctor in the opposite office! "

"Good." Park Min Ho agreed and watched the nurse leave. Then, he called Luo song and asked him to call Lao Feng's son as quickly as possible, so that he could rush to the hospital immediately.

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