"Hello, Ning Xin?" The phone was soon connected, and a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone. He said in a tired, languid voice, "what's the matter so late? Don't think you can bully me in the daytime! Your brother, I'm going to bed

Park Min Ho's voice made Luo Xiwei feel very excited. Park Min Ho's sentence "your brother and me" made Luo Xiwei more excited! In this way, park Min Ho is Ning Xin's brother! Now I'm finally settled down! However, Luo Xiwei's brain has produced new problems, one by one in her mind, she really wants to ask Park minhao, what is the matter and why he deceives her. But she also knew clearly that if she spoke at the moment, the result would be nothing more than the same as that in park Min Ho during the day, which was still ignored by park Min Ho. At the moment, only in his dialogue with Ning Xin can we hear his true views on the relationship between them. Minwei forbearance, even if she is calm, she must be calm.

Therefore, Luo Xiwei quietly held her breath and listened to the conversation between Ningxin and park minhao.

"Brother, what's the matter with you? It sounds a little tired." Ning Xin said to park Min Ho.

"Well, don't mention it." Park Min Ho heaved a heavy sigh and said to Ning Xin, "what can I do for you to call me? If it's OK, I'll go to sleep. "

"Brother, I just arrived in the United States, don't you want to know about my situation here, and don't you care about your sister?" Said Ning Xin.

"How are you there?" Park Min Ho asked casually, and it made people feel perfunctory. Then, he said languidly in a sour tone, "don't you have that handsome boy boyfriend from abroad? He should take good care of you, right? If you have a boyfriend, you don't want a brother. Do you need my care? "

"Oh, brother, are you jealous?" Ningxin "giggle" to laugh, laughing forward and backward, "brother, by the way, how is the development between you and luoxiwei, have you not told her that you are actually my brother?"

As soon as Ningxin's voice fell, Luo Xiwei immediately cocked up her ears and waited quietly for park minhao's answer. She really wanted to know the reason why Park Min Ho didn't want to be with her. Even if it was to break up, Luo Xiwei felt that she would die to understand. She could not be so unknowingly broken up, or even without a real reason, and let those dubious pretexts deceive her.

"No Park Minho blurted out.

This time, Luo Xiwei is more sure that Pu minhao and Ning Xin are brothers and sisters who are like a fake replacement! She finally smile, happy eyebrows, smile eyes are out of tears, smile heart clear several net. However, why did Park Min Ho not have other women, but also refused to be with himself?

"Oh..." Ningxin elongated her voice and said thoughtfully.

"What are you asking for?" Park Min Ho suddenly raised his vigilance and said to Ning Xin, "by the way, she came to me today and said that I am your brother. How did she know? Did you tell her? "

"Ah?" Ning Xin was suddenly stunned. She didn't think that it was her turn to ask Park Min Ho some questions, but now it was Park Min Ho's turn to ask her, which made her feel unprepared. She looked at Luo Xiwei a little flustered and said, "I No

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