"Whether you have it or not, she seems to know it now." Another one said on the phone.

"Oh?" Ning Xin pretended not to know and said to park Min Ho, "did you admit that?"

"No Park Min Ho said, "didn't I just tell you? I didn't tell her I was your brother."

When Park Min Ho said this, the tears on Luo Xiwei's face rolled down like beads one by one. Happy, lost, happy, disappointed, puzzled All kinds of moods are mixed, which makes Luo Xiwei feel sharp pain in her heart.

"Brother, why don't you tell her? Now that she has guessed it. " Said Ning Xin.

"I said for her good." Park Min Ho finished, and suddenly stopped.

Luo Xiwei's tears fell faster. When she heard Park Min Ho say it was for her good, she was happy, excited and puzzled. She didn't know what to do. She had to continue to listen. She wanted to know how he was doing for her.

"Brother, I don't understand." Ning Xin was very puzzled and said to park Min Ho.

"You don't need to understand." "I know what I'm doing, and I know exactly what I'm going to do," Park Min Ho said lightly to Ning Xin

"Well Brother Do you love her or not? " Ning Xin asked.

"Love! Of course Park minhao firmly said, "how can you not love? I think, I love her more than anyone in the world, even more than her parents! Therefore, I am using my own way to love and protect her! Well, my brother won't tell you more. I'm very tired now. If you don't have anything to do, I'll hang up. "

"Wait a minute, brother!" Ning Xin said quickly, "brother, in fact, I want to tell you something..."

"What's the matter?" Asked Park Min Ho.

"In fact I didn't go abroad, I'm still at home! " Said Ning Xin.

"What?" Park Min Ho couldn't believe his ears. "What do you say? You're in China?"

"Well! If you don't believe it, look at the number on your mobile phone. " Ning Xin said to park Min Ho.

Lying on the warm and comfortable bed of Jiangchuan Hotel, park Min Ho opened his eyes and looked at his mobile phone. It was indeed a familiar number, and - it was the number of Park Zhihao villa! Park Min Ho suddenly stupefied, he was surprised to say to Ning Xin: "this is the number of Zhi Hao's home?"

"Yes, I live in Zhihao's house." Said Ning Xin.

"But Zhihao is in a coma." Park Min Ho suddenly said, "where did you get the key?"

"I came here a long time ago. At that time, brother Zhihao told me the password of his villa. So, as long as I want to live here, I just need to remember the password." Said Ning Xin.

"So you already know the relationship between Zhihao and our family?" Asked Park Min Ho.

"In fact I don't know. " Ning Xin said to park minhao, "on the holiday, the day I left your residence, brother Zhihao came to me and told me something. Then he gave me the address of his home, which is the noble villa. He also gave me a string of passwords. He also told me that I could stay whenever I wanted to. At that time, I thought he wanted to chase me, so I laughed and refused. But when I turned and left ungratefully, he stopped me and yelled behind me, saying that one day I would be willing to live in it. At that time, I was still laughing at him in my heart, thinking that he was very conceited! I didn't think that she was actually my brother

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