"Sorry, Charlie." Ailice spread out her hands and said to Charlie, "actually, I lied to you. I never liked you, and I also have a boyfriend. He is very handsome and has good grades. His name is David."

Charlie suddenly seems to feel like a bolt from the blue, the whole person is confused! He never knew that Ailice had a boyfriend! What's more, he didn't know that Ailice would dislike him for not being handsome enough and not doing well enough! "Why?" he asked after Ailice reluctantly? When did you have a boyfriend

"A year ago." "But he's at school in China, and we meet on video every day," Ailice told him truthfully

"Since he studies in China, why is his name David? Does he need to use his English name when he goes to school in China Charlie was not discouraged. He felt as if he had found the flaw in Ailice's words, so he kept trying to expose her and force her to be with him.

"Charlie, you don't know, China is now in line with the international standard. They also have English classes, so it's normal to take an English name." "If you want to continue to pursue me, then we won't meet again. I can only be good friends with you

"Why?" Charlie was puzzled. "Why did you tell me you didn't have a boyfriend?"

"That's because I'm the only Chinese in our class. You're all Americans. No one plays with me at all. I know, when you ask me if I have a boyfriend, if I say yes, then even you won't play with me, so I have to cheat you. So that I can have friends. " Said Ailice.

"You don't have to." Charlie shook his head. He didn't think she would cheat him. "But do you know that cheating is a bad thing? You consume my trust and love for you, which will make me hate you. Why are you lying? We, the American people, never lie. Lying is a disgraceful act

"It's nothing, Charlie." Ailice looks at Charlie calmly and says to Charlie, "cheating is as simple as eating and sleeping. I think it's normal. When I went to school in China, I never met a child who could not tell lies. Take me for example, I tell three lies a day on average

"My God!" Charlie held his head in an incredible way. He couldn't believe it! He kept shaking his head and said, "this is terrible! Three lies a day! I've never told so many lies in my life! You Chinese, it's really terrible... "

After that, Charlie was resistant to the Chinese people. The frustration of his first love made him feel depressed. Even, Charlie thinks, this is not a first love at all, it can only be regarded as his single love at most. To put it worse, Charlie thinks it's cheating.

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