However, what makes Charlie feel more confused is that a few years later, when Charlie and Ailice were admitted to the same university and met with Ailice in the University, he realized that actually, at that time, Ailice did not have a boyfriend. When asked why Ailice wanted to cheat him about having a boyfriend, Ailice just gave him a faint smile and told him that she just thought cheating was fun.

Since then, the impression of Chinese people in Charlie's mind has become a special love of lying. Until today, when she falls in love with Ningxin, Charlie always reminds herself that Ningxin is a Chinese. Chinese people always have their Chinese characteristics, and Charlie can't believe Chinese people completely.

Of course, including Ning Xin.

"You seem a little afraid of me." Park Min Ho looked at Charlie seriously and said to Charlie.

"Brother Brother... " Charlie looks at Park Minho with some fear and calls him brother. Then, he completely presented himself in front of Park Minho. Finally, with a bang, Charlie closes the bedroom door.

Park Min Ho looked in the direction of the bedroom and said to Charlie, "this It's like a pickaxe room... " He looked at the room carefully again and found that this room was actually the room where he had spent an unforgettable time with Luo Xiwei when he came here! However, when he looked at Charlie, he seemed to find that Charlie did not show any abnormality. He did not feel any uneasy reaction to this room of Park Zhihao.

"Brother What do you want to talk to me about? " Charlie said to park Minho as she walked down the stairs quickly.

Park Min Ho and Charlie sit down on the sofa downstairs, and Ning Xin follows.

Park Min Ho glanced at Ning Xin and said to her, "Ning Xin, go back to your room first."

Ning Xin looks at Charlie and park minhao with some uneasiness. She doesn't seem to be at ease. She looked at Park Min Ho with some reluctant and embarrassed eyes, and there was no sign of wanting to leave.

"It's OK, Amin." Although Charlie didn't believe Park Minho so much, he was determined to have a good talk with park. Even if I was beaten, I would never see Park Min Ho again. He gently smiles at Ning Xin, then looks at Park Min Ho and says to Ning Xin, "brother, he won't hit me again. You can rest assured! I believe in him. "

Even so, Ning Xin's heart is still worried and afraid. She was afraid that park Min Ho would start again on Charlie, which would not only hurt Charlie, but also hurt the relationship between Charlie and park minhao, and would make Ning Xin lose face in front of Charlie. At first, Ning Xin felt that Charlie had a great prejudice against Chinese people's lying. She could not let this bad impression become more and more deeply rooted in Charlie's heart, which would completely affect the relationship between her and Charlie. , the fastest update of the webnovel!