"Big event?" Luo Xiwei was surprised to stare round eyes and said to the American woman, "what's the big deal?"

"I heard you Asians did it." The American woman said to her, "there seems to be a homicide."

"Homicide?" Luo Xiwei's body couldn't help tightening. She frowned. She didn't know whether the American woman was talking about the case of Park Zhentian's murder or whether she could find any clues from this woman.

"Yes." The American woman said quite frankly, "why, don't you know?"


When Luo Xiwei was hesitating, the American woman suddenly said with relish: "I heard that a rich businessman came from China today. I don't know who has offended him. He was poisoned with a kind of poison shortly after he got off the plane and arrived at the hospital. It is said that the one who poisoned is also a Chinese. "

"How do you know that?" Said Lucifer, surprised to the woman.

"It's been all over New York for a long time." The American woman said, "you Chinese people have a wonderful mind. You can think of this method of killing people without blood, and the case is not so easy to investigate. I'm afraid that only you Chinese can make poison in food. What the Chinese are good at is putting some things that can't be eaten in your own food. By the way, I heard that this man also stabbed a young man. Now that young man has lost too much blood and his life is in danger. The whole hospital and even the whole new York City have received help from the hospital, saying that it is sending such help to all Chinese people in the United States, hoping that they can take the initiative to volunteer in the hospital and donate blood for the injured. However, it seems that no Chinese dare to go to the hospital to donate blood, because the Internet has been paying attention to this matter, but the injured have not been rescued

"What nonsense are you talking about?" Luo Xiwei suddenly felt indignant at the American woman's words. "All you know is just some of the fur. What do you know? That rich businessman is a good man and can't offend anyone at all. And poisoning food is a case in point. It doesn't represent the whole Chinese people. Besides, there are prisons in the United States. If there are no bad people in the United States, why do you set up prisons?! What's more, it doesn't mean that no one will volunteer if he doesn't get help from all directions. Min Hao's blood is not ordinary blood. The general Chinese blood is not suitable for Min Ho, so he has not got the right blood source. Now Min Ho has been cured, his brother has provided him with blood, and he will soon wake up. I thought you were an elegant and optimistic woman. I didn't expect that you had such prejudice against us Chinese people. It seems that you Americans are not as optimistic and understanding as I imagined. Your thoughts are much dirtier than I can imagine

"What are you talking about?" American woman suddenly brake, Luo Xiwei's forehead in the front of the car slightly knock on the glass, she suddenly felt a little pain above her forehead. However, this is not terrible, terrible is, Luo Xiwei suddenly heard a huge collision sound, this sound let Luo Xiwei's whole heart suddenly jump violently.

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