The sound of "bang" made Luo Xiwei's mood more angry. She was stupidly searching for the source of the sound, but suddenly she heard the American woman in the car suddenly scream.

"Ah The American woman screamed and got out of the car, slammed the door and ran to the back of the car. Then she heard the voice of American women swearing, "Hey! You crashed my car! You have to apologize to me! Why don't you get out of the car? Look for yourself. What did you do to my car? Why don't you get out of the car?! Oh, don't run away American women's voice became more and more urgent, and luoxiwei got out of the car with this urgent voice.

Luo Xiwei was surprised to find that the American woman's car was rear end, and the back of the car had been smashed to pieces. If the rear end driver drives harder, if his car is ten centimeters ahead, maybe he will hit her in the co driver's seat! Luo Xiwei can't help but pinch a sweat for her just in such a dangerous environment. She had been through a lot of robbery just now, but she didn't realize it in the car! She suddenly felt shocked and scared, and felt inexplicable worry. She was just the Queen Mother's awareness! She looked up a little sad, only to see that the rear driver suddenly seemed to be very flustered, is trying to turn around to leave.

"It's obviously caused by American women's sudden braking. Although this is a rear end collision accident, no one is injured at all, and American women also have certain responsibilities. Why does the rear end driver want to escape in such a panic? " Luo Xiwei couldn't help talking to herself. However, just about half of the driver's turn around, a big truck suddenly stopped behind the car. Now, the driver's car can no longer move.

When Luo Xiwei wanted to get off the bus and have a look at it, the driver got off the bus in a panic. When Luo Xiwei thought he was going to get out of the car and explain clearly or at least apologize, he didn't think that the driver didn't even look at the American woman after getting off the bus. He ran away!

"Ah! Don't run American women are furious when they see the driver abandon their car. "Asian!" she cried, hiding her feet! Another Asian without quality! I guess he must be a Chinese too

When Luo Xiwei was particularly shocked, the words of the American woman made her suddenly react. The man who hit the American woman's car was no other than the murderer who killed Park Zhentian! Luo Xiwei's pupil suddenly enlarges, then pursues that man to run. Looking at the man about 1.9 meters of men so strong body shape, Luo Xiwei immediately identified that he is the murderer of Park Zhentian! So she ran closely behind the tall man. The faster the strong man ran, the faster Luo Xiwei followed. Seeing that Luo Xiwei is about to lose sight of the strong man with long legs, the American woman suddenly intercepts her in front of her.

"Want to run? It's not that easy! " The American woman looked at Luo Xiwei fiercely, and her eyes revealed a murderous spirit, which made Luo Xiwei feel very frightened. I couldn't help but stare at her direction. , the fastest update of the webnovel!