"The first thing I want to say is that I didn't know there was such a thing. I'm really surprised to hear you say this. I can't believe it. " "But what I want to know is, are you sure this is true?"

"True, of course! And they are still in love! President Park Zhihao, don't you really know about this? " The reporters continued to ask.

"Of course not." Park Zhihao had no choice but to show his hands and said to the reporters, "but are you sure about this? Yunmin and park minhao are in love? How could that be possible? Isn't park Min Ho's brother? Can this brother and sister still fall in love? What's more, even if Yunmin really has no blood relationship with Min Hao, at least they were brothers and sisters. If we say that they are in love now, can we say that they have always maintained an underground love relationship? After all, park Min Ho's ex girlfriend is still here. She is park Min Ho's girlfriend. She came to the United States just to take care of his boyfriend. I don't believe that park Min Ho is not really in love with Luo Xiwei. He should be with other women. What's more, this woman was once his favorite sister! Friends of the press, I hope you still have to be rational and don't listen to those hearsay casually. This is not good for the reputation of my brother Pu minhao, for Yunmin, for the reputation of the whole park family, and even for the reputation of yanmiao group. "

"President Park Zhihao, it seems that you really don't know about this matter. But this matter is not really nonsense. These are all true, and they were admitted by President Park Minho and miss Park Yunmin A reporter tried to explain to park Zhihao.

"President Park Zhihao, I think about what you said just now. It means that President Park Min Ho and park Yunmin fall in love. Both of them have destroyed the reputation of the whole park family and the reputation of yanmiao group, right?" A slightly older female reporter said to park Zhihao.

"No, no, no!" Park Zhihao quickly denied, "of course I didn't mean that! I mean, maybe your reporter is wrong. I think the thing you said has yet to be confirmed. And even if the two of them really said so, would it be out of helplessness, or was it because Min Ho was cultivating his body and was entangled by you and had no way out, so they all said yes to everything you asked, so you had a misunderstanding? I always think it's not that simple. "

What do you mean by park Min Min and park Yun Ho The older woman continued to ask.

"You misunderstand me again." Park Zhihao could not help but feel a cold sweat. Though he denied it. So that the reporter always seems to be able to see her in his stomach with such keen insight. He thought that this woman was really terrible, but he also thought that this woman could be a great tool to take her under his command. He laughed at the reporter and said, "this reporter, I think you are very dedicated. I hope that after I return to Jiangchuan, I can have a chance to buy you a cup of coffee."

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