The female reporter was stunned! She felt incredible!

However, the female reporter suddenly received the eyes from around. Reporters cast their eyes on her. The young reporters looked at it, and sure enough, it was the beautiful woman in her thirties! It seems that her trip to the United States today is not in vain. She has not only been pursued by a male reporter, but also favored by a president like park Zhihao! Although the reporters all know that park Zhihao has always been romantic, but the female journalists still look at the favored female reporter with very envious eyes.

The woman reporter's face was hot, and she suddenly felt embarrassed. She stepped back a few steps, embarrassed, until all the people stopped looking at her in that special way. Then, she was alone in this boiling group of reporters, hiding in the periphery of the group, quietly listening to others continue to interview Park Zhihao.

What Park Zhihao didn't expect was that a woman reporter who asked such a sharp question would blush and feel embarrassed, and would automatically retreat to the end of the crowd! Seeing that the female reporter had no chance to continue to ask questions, Pu Zhihao felt that it was a good thing. So he turned his eyes to the other reporters in front of him, waiting for them to continue to ask questions.

"President Park Zhihao, do you know that President Park Minho and park Yunmin are in love now. Do you have any ideas?" Asked a reporter.

"No "If this is true, I don't think I have the right to ask about other people's private affairs," he said

"But President Park Zhihao, you have just said that this matter will affect the reputation of the two of them, the park family and even yanmiao group. Now you suddenly have an attitude that you are not qualified to ask. Does this seem to be a big contrast?" Just now in park Min Ho ward in that episode of the male reporter in order to please the female reporter, but also to give his "rival" an embarrassment, so he said so.

"I'm sorry, as I said just now, I don't mean that their falling in love will affect so many people and the reputation of the group. Sir, I think you misunderstand me Park Chi Ho, with a very polite smile, said to the reporter.

The male reporter felt helpless. However, he did not give up and asked, "well How can Luo Xiwei be in your ward? If you really think that park Min Ho and park Yun min fall in love is false, if you really think that park Min Ho and Luo Xiwei are indestructible, why does she appear in your ward? Don't you feel embarrassed that your sister-in-law will appear in the ward? "

Park continued to smile, and these little problems were a piece of cake to him. "What's so embarrassing about this?" he told the male reporter? Min Ho saved Luo Xiwei, and I saved Min Ho, Luo Xiwei said. Indirectly, I was her savior. So I thought for a second that what she said really had some truth. And my thoughts are not as complicated as you are. I just think that people are just coming to show me the grace of saving lives. There is nothing strange about that. Just like before, Mrs. park has been taking care of me, thanking me for saving her son's life. I think, these are normal things, there is no need to think about what you said , the fastest update of the webnovel!