"What? Old woman, you want to bully our silver jade, right? " At this time, three tall young men immediately went to Li Qiuxian and surrounded her. They kept pulling their fingers, gradually bluffing, "do you believe it, if you don't let go, we will kill you?"

Although Li Qiuxian knew that the three boys were bluffing her, she was still stunned to release the gold and silver jade's hand, and then left very wisely. Before leaving, she did not forget to look back at jinyinyu and said to her, "Yinyu, please think carefully about what I said to you just now. Is your mother different from other people's mothers? She doesn't care about you. If you think about it carefully, is it a kind of respect or a kind of indifference? " Finish saying, Li Qiuxian left here with full of sadness.

Although jinyinyu thought Li Qiuxian was just a strange aunt, and she didn't believe her words at all. However, after a careful review of what she said, there seemed to be some truth. It is her mother who gives her different respect from other children and gives her too much freedom. That's why she has the chance to be good friends with so many boys. Unlike other mothers, her mother never showed any displeasure about it. Instead, she thought it was a sign of her charm and was happy for her. Even her mother once said that she was so beautiful and popular with the opposite sex that she could consider becoming a star! And other mothers seem to care only about their children's learning, and even hope their daughter has no heterosexual fate! In the past, jinyinyu was very happy for her mother's profound righteousness. However, at the moment, stopped Li Qiuxian's words, she really began to doubt whether Li Qiuxian's words were true. Even though she believed in her father's character, her mother had so little control over her that she gradually began to doubt whether she was born by her mother Shen An'an.

Back home, gold and silver jade face full of doubts. Looking at jinyinyu's sullen appearance, Jin was very concerned and asked what had happened to her.

"Nothing." Looking around the house, jinyinyu didn't seem to see Shen An. She remembered that she had not seen her for several days. So she said to Kim, "where's mom?"

"Don't you know that mom has gone on a business trip?" Jin Dingxin smiles. "I thought something happened. I miss my mother?"

"Dad, why does mother always travel on business? Why does mother stay at home for two or three days a month on average? Is it because she has never regarded this home as a writer and never regarded me as her own daughter, so she doesn't care about me so much?" Gold and silver jade suddenly had a small mood.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Dingxin suddenly has an ominous premonition, the answer on the mouth of gold, silver and jade seems to be about to come out! However, looking at jinyinyu's serious and serious appearance, he could not bear to tell her the truth, and he never intended to tell her the truth. So he patted her on the shoulder and said, "OK, my dear girl. What would you like to eat in the evening? Dad cooks for you, will you

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