Jin was determined to comfort her life, but she didn't think of it. She glared at Jin Dingxin and said to him, "cooking is supposed to be a woman's job. Why do other children always eat meals made by their mothers, while I always eat meals made by nannies? Is it because I'm not my mother's daughter at all? " Jin Yinyu mumbled her small mouth and said to Jin Dingxin with a face of grievance.

"What are you talking about?" Jin Dingxin looked at the gold and silver jade with some apprehension. Does Yinyu already know her life experience? How could this be possible?! In this world, apart from him and Shen An'an, as well as Li Qiuxian herself, there is no fourth person who knows that jinyinyu is not Shen'an's own daughter! Now, why does Yinyu have such doubts about her life experience? Jin Dingxin widened his eyes in fear and said to Jin Yinyu, "what are you talking about? What? You're not mom's own daughter? Who told you all this? "

"A woman told me that she was my biological mother, and my mother now is my adoptive mother, not my own mother at all! Dad, tell me, is this true? " Asked Jin Yinyu.

"Li Qiuxian!" Jin Dingxin's eyes suddenly filled with anger. He clenched his fist tightly and bit his teeth in his mouth. He hated Li Qiuxian and gnawed his teeth! She said that she could only look at the gold and silver jade silently behind her back. Now she not only ran to Jinyin jade, but also told jinyinyu that she was her own mother! This just makes Jin's heart angry! He looked at the gold and silver jade and asked, "what did she say to you?"

"It seems that what the woman said is true." Jin Yinyu suddenly felt strange to Jin Dingxin. She looked at Jin calmly and asked, "are you my father?"

"Silver jade!" Jin Dingxin looked at jinyinyu with extremely sharp eyes and said to her, "how can you talk to your father like this?! Father is your father, and mother is your mother! Don't listen to Li Qiuxian's nonsense in front of you! She's just a crazy woman

"How do you know the woman's name if what she said is false?" Jin Yinyu said to Jin, "Dad, you don't have 300 taels of silver here."

Silence, silence! Jin Dingxin took a serious look at jinyinyu and her resolute appearance. It seemed that this matter could not be concealed from her. Therefore, he finally decided to admit that Li Qiuxian was Yinyu's biological mother. He had no choice but to smile, walked towards the gold and silver jade, and then took the gold and silver jade in his arms with great love: "silver jade, in this case, my father will tell you all the facts about that year. At that time, I had a good relationship with your mother. Li Qiuxian was our neighbor. At that time, my father just started a business and was very busy. One night I met a very important client, so I drank a lot of wine. When I got home, I was drunk and my mother was not at home. I didn't have the key, so I dozed off in front of my house. But I didn't expect that Li Qiuxian next door took me in that night and let me spend the night in her home. "

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