"The pickaxe! A pickaxe Cheng Xuehui quickly arranged her skirt again, and then pushed Park Zhihao, who was on the side, and said to him, "wake up quickly!"

"What's the matter?" Park Zhihao yawned a little tired, stretched out a little tired, looked at Cheng Xuehui lazily, and said to her impatiently.

"Look out there!" Cheng Xuehui pointed to the red light outside and said to park Zhihao.

"What's going on out there?" Park Zhihao turned his head suspiciously. Through the window, he saw nothing. He looked at the curtain in front of him and said to Cheng Xuehui, "just now No curtains? "

Cheng Xuehui nodded a little worried and said to park Zhihao, "it's not pulling the curtain. Just now I saw a light on the opposite side, as if someone was photographing us. What should we do with pickaxes

"What to do?" Park Zhihao was not worried at all. He took another look at Cheng Xuehui's good figure and said to Cheng Xuehui disapprovingly, "don't worry, there's nothing wrong. This is America, not Jiangchuan. Even if you get something, it doesn't seem to have the value of spreading it out? "

"But..." Cheng Xuehui is still worried. Since the other party is here to photograph her, I'm afraid she is being watched by others. Cheng Xuehui can't help feeling very afraid. She looked at the outside with some worry. Although the little red dot on the opposite side had disappeared, Cheng Xuehui still felt that something was going to happen.

"What's the matter?" Park Zhihao could not help but look out again. This time, he still didn't see anything. He said to Cheng Xuehui, "OK, it's OK. After all, this is the United States. Not so many people know you. You are not an international superstar."

"Zhihao, you..." Cheng Xuehui originally thought that park Zhihao would be more or less resistant to Jin Yinyu and closer to her after hearing what jinyinyu and Li Qiuxian said. But what she didn't expect was that after some intimacy, park Zhihao returned to his original rogue appearance.

"Well, it seems that all that is said has been said." Park Zhihao yawned lazily and sat up from the sofa. While looking for his clothes, he said to Cheng Xuehui, "if there is nothing else, I think I should go back."

"Go back?" Cheng Xuehui looked at PU Zhihao in a daze and said to him, "where are you going? Are you going back to Li Qiuxian? There's gold and silver jade, isn't it

"No Park Zhihao said to Cheng Xuehui, "Yinyu and I moved out from my mother. Now, Yinyu and I live alone, and no one can disturb us. It's a pity that no matter which servant you used to buy from my mother, anyway, now you can't go to my home to record. Yin Yu and I live together, and there is no one in our family except us. " With that, Pu Zhihao smiles at Cheng Xuehui, revealing a pair of white teeth. That look, it looks so sunny, so pollution-free, just like a big boy with sunshine. Cheng Xuehui can't help but sigh, park Zhihao is really good at acting! If you let him be an actor, he must be the best actor!

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