"You Really Is this going back? " Cheng Xuehui can't believe her ears! Park Zhihao only came here less than an hour to leave, which is almost never encountered by her situation! Does he really have no charm for park Zhihao?

"Yes." Park Zhihao arranged his clothes well, looked at Cheng Xuehui and said to her, "so if there is nothing wrong, Xuehui, I will not stay here more." Park Zhihao looked at Cheng Xuehui very seriously and said to her in a very calm tone.

"A pickaxe!" Cheng Xuehui is obviously reluctant to give up Park Zhihao. She can't help grabbing Park Zhihao's hand and saying to him, "you Do you really want to go? Zhihao, I have something else to tell you Cheng Xuehui looks at Park Zhihao attentively and says to him.

Park Zhihao suddenly stopped. He looked at Cheng Xuehui's sincere eyes and finally sat down on the sofa. He said to Cheng Xuehui, "what do you want to tell me?"

"About Park Min Ho." Cheng Xuehui said to park Zhihao.

"Park Min Ho?" Park Zhihao looked at Cheng Xuehui with some doubts and asked, "what's wrong with Min Ho?"

"A pickaxe." Cheng Xuehui knew that if she used ordinary methods, she would not be able to lower Pu Zhihao. So she had to think about other ways. And this method, she had long expected to use, because since Park Zhihao made up her mind to break up with her, she had no confidence in him. Of course, it's the same this time. So, Cheng Xuehui took a look at PU Zhihao and said to him, "Zhihao, I know that this time Min Hao's whole body exchange blood, you spent a lot of thought. You two are brothers indeed

"How can Min Hao say that he is also my brother? How can I watch him die Park Zhihao's eyes suddenly seemed empty. He said to Cheng Xuehui with some guilty heart.

"Zhihao, I found that you are really a good actor." Cheng Xuehui smiles and says to park Zhihao, "if you are an actor, you will win the best actor award." Cheng Xuehui said, while smiling meaningfully, so that park Zhihao simply a little confused.

"What do you mean?" Park Zhihao looked at Cheng Xuehui in disbelief and asked, "what's the best actor? Xuehui, I really don't understand what you're talking about

"Zhi Hao, what have you done with Park Min Ho? Don't you know it in your mind?" Cheng Xuehui took a look at Park Zhihao and said to him, "whose blood is flowing on his body, I'm afraid you won't be unclear."

"Min Hao's body shed, of course, is my father Pu Zhentian's blood!" Park Zhihao rightfully said to Cheng Xuehui.

"Zhi Hao, don't you admit it?" Cheng Xuehui smiles, looks at PU Zhihao, and says to him, "don't forget that you are not Pu Zhentian's son. You and Pu minhao have no blood relationship at all. Even Shen Huilan's blood can't save Park Min Ho. Can you, who have no blood relationship with Park Min Ho, save him? Zhi Hao, where did you get the blood you lost to park Min Ho? Don't you know? "

"Of course I know!" Park Zhihao looked at Cheng Xuehui with some defiance and said to her, "the blood is all from me to him!"

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