Luo Xiwei finally knows that Lucy is also a very emotional woman. She cared so much about Luo song, but unfortunately, he had to let her down. But just then, Lucy took her arm and said to her, "miss rothiway, let's go to the supermarket downstairs to buy some daily necessities while talking! You're just here. I'll take you

"Thank you." Luoxiwei was very polite to thank Lucy and went down the stairs with her.

It was still early, and there were all kinds of people walking on the stairs. However, Luo Xiwei could easily detect the identity of everyone. The first one they met was an aunt who swept the floor. She was wearing a half old blue overalls with a plain look. However, her skin looks good, and her temperament is not like a general sweeping mother. She is pretty, and her manner seems to be elegant. Luo Xiwei can't help but sigh, when even the sweeping aunt has such temperament.

On the second floor, Luo Xiwei met another girl who was very fashionable. The girl seems to have an Asian face, not very tall. However, when she walked slowly towards them, the smell of the charming perfume quickly filled her surroundings. She wore a thick make-up and looked very sweet and lovely. However, her eyes were not very big. She didn't seem to have the necessary beauty of a star, but she had a sexiness in her loveliness. However, Luo Xiwei didn't think she had a beautiful and unforgettable face like other actresses. However, just by her dress, Luo Xiwei thought that this person must be an actor.

Finally went to the ground floor, Luo Xiwei under the leadership of Lucy, finally arrived at the door of the supermarket. Standing at the door was a middle-aged, not particularly beautiful looking but very clean-up. She looked so ordinary, even if she had made up, she did not look beautiful. She was a little chubby and her face was almost puffy. Middle aged, as long as slightly open her eyes a little, forehead is easy to appear on the line. She smiles at luoxiwei and Lucy, and her face shows deep lines of law. It is this middle-aged woman that makes Luo Xiwei afraid of aging. There was no expression on the woman's face. As long as she smiles, although she looks better, Luo Xiwei is frightened by the law lines, the raised head lines and the fishtail lines on the whole face. She felt her face subconsciously. Fortunately, it was very thin and slippery. There was still a long way to go before she became old. So, Luo Xiwei's heart this just a little relieved, can't help but in the heart of a sigh of relief.

Lucy took Luo Xiwei's hand and walked forward. She was like a free fish, wandering in the sea of the supermarket. She is very familiar with Luo Xiwei in the supermarket, look at this, buy that, two girls full of young girl's heart here to completely relax, naive and innocent, infatuated.

Towel, toothbrush, washbasin, bath towel, pajamas Everything that two people could think of was put into the shopping cart, and in the end, they were very happy to return with full loads. Overnight, Roxie and Lucy have obviously become good friends. , the fastest update of the webnovel!