The next morning, luoxiwei woke up very early. At five o'clock in the morning, Luo Xiwei obviously felt a fresh breath around her. The air around her was so fresh that she felt relaxed and happy. Open hazy eyes, Luo Xiwei thought of the first thing in mind, is to go to the first film and television early! She couldn't help feeling like a bird in a cage. She was eager to fly to the company immediately!

When Luo Xiwei leaves the dormitory, Lucy has not yet got up. Before closing the door, Luo Xiwei did not forget to look at Lucy in her sleep. She was really a heartless child, sleeping so well, so fragrant.

It was Chunyi Tanaka who drove Luo Xiwei here last night. So, when luoxiwei went downstairs, she was totally confused! She didn't know how to go! And when she saw a car in front of her, she waved without hesitation!

The car stopped in front of luoxiwei. The car window slowly rolled down, and the face of a mature and handsome man poked out of it. The man looked like he was in his early thirties. He looked very calm and handsome. He laughed at Luo Xiwei very naturally and said to her, "miss luoxiwei, get on the bus!"

Luoxiwei some stupidly stood there, she really did not expect, standing in the streets of the United States, there are people to know her! Is he a fan of "mistaking men"? Luo Xiwei could not help but feel doubts in her heart.

"You Know me? " When the driver got off the bus with great enthusiasm, and came to her in a friendly way to help her open the co pilot's door, luoxiwei suddenly became more stuffy.

"Miss luoxiwei, I am your fan and your driver today." The man said to Luo Xiwei politely, "miss luoxiwei, today is your first day at work. According to our company's regulations, employees who go to work on the first day, whether they are the artists of the company or the staff behind the scenes, have the right to enjoy the company's shuttle bus. " The man said to Luo Xiwei very sincerely.

"Yes Did Mr. Tanaka send you here? " Luo Xiwei looked at the driver and said to him.

"So to speak." The driver stretched out his right hand and made a "please" gesture. He said to Luo Xiwei, "I am the driver of the first film and television company. I am responsible for the transportation of new people in the company, not only for the first day to work, but also for the first time to shoot in a strange place, as well as all other new places. As long as the new employees of our company, especially the non-U.S. artists like you have just arrived in the United States, a driver who is familiar with the terrain of the United States, or at least the terrain of the workplace, should be responsible for the transfer. Mr. Tanaka is really considerate. Therefore, it is not unreasonable for so many stars to appear in the first film and television industry recently. Artists only need to do their own work well, and other things are handled by special personnel. In this way, artists can help artists solve their work and life problems, so that artists can have more time to devote to their work. "

"So it is." Luo Xiwei listens to finish, finally to the other side unloaded guard. As she spoke, she got into the car.

The driver soon returned to the driver's seat. He gave her a very warm smile, and said to her, "nice to meet you, miss rothiway. I almost forgot to introduce myself to you. My name is Anson. My Chinese name is Anson. Sit tight. I'm going to step on the gas With that, Anson drove smoothly forward. , the fastest update of the webnovel!