"Oh Ning Xin couldn't help shouting. She felt her head subconsciously, walked out of the elevator, and squatted in the door of the elevator, humming bitterly.

"Sorry! I'm sorry At this time, a man's voice came into Ning Xin's ears. Then she felt a man in front of her. He quickly squatted down, looked at her very gentlemanly and politely, and asked, "I'm sorry, miss, I bumped into you. Are you all right? "

"I have a headache!" It's better to yell. She really didn't think that she was really a double whammy! She not only has to suffer from the torture of her heart and the loss of her most beloved, but now even her body has to suffer from such torture, which makes her unbearable pain! But she clearly came to teach Luo Xiwei a lesson! She came to make others suffer. Why did she suffer all the consequences? It's just not fair! Roxie! Luo Xiwei again! Ning Xin can't help but blame Luo Xiwei for all this again! If it wasn't for luoxiwei who was filming here, she wouldn't have come here! So, her head is so painful now, everything is caused by Luo Xiwei! As a result, Ning Xin resented Luo Xiwei even more and hoped that Luo Xiwei would be entangled with all bad luck!

"I'm sorry, miss. You were too anxious to get out of the elevator just now. I couldn't avoid it for a moment, so Tanaka Chunyi looked at Ning Xin very seriously and said to her, "just now, we had a head collision I'm sorry to hurt you Are you ok? Shall I take you to the hospital? "

"Hit a head on?" Ning Xin simply felt incredible, "it's a hell, isn't it a man? American men are so tall that they can bump into my head? This is a joke Ningxin side said, this just raised the head to look at each other. Unexpectedly, she saw an Asian face indeed! However, judging from the temperament of that person, it doesn't seem to be Chinese. Ning Xin couldn't help but look at him in disbelief. However, the experience of staying abroad for so long told him that he should be a Japanese.

"Miss, I'm Japanese." Tanaka looked at Ning Xin very friendly and said, "are you Chinese? You are beautiful, miss

"Thank you." Ningxin said thanks to each other without expression and indifference. There are too many people praising her beauty in her life. Therefore, Ningxin will not pay attention to such praise at all. What's more, the other side is a Japanese, looking old and short. Ning Xin simply doesn't like him at all. However, she looked at him suspiciously and confirmed again, "are you Japanese?"

"Yes. I'm Japanese! " Tanaka Chunyi carefully helped Ningxin stand up and said to her, "come on, slowly stand up and see if there is anything wrong. If you need help, I'll take you to the hospital

With the help of Tanaka Chunyi, Ning Xin finally stands up. At this moment, Ningxin's head is no longer painful. She doesn't need to go to any hospital. She just wants to scold Luo Xiwei. However, after being hit once, Ning Xin has long been knocked out of interest, and her anger seems to have been knocked away. So, at this moment, Ning Xin didn't want to scold Luo Xiwei.

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