"No more." Ning Xin stumbles to her feet, pushes aside Tanaka Chunyi and goes to support the wall on one side. Although the head has no pain, but the whole person has not come back to God, so, walking or staggering.

"Why don't you come into our company and have a seat?" Tian Zhongchun said to Ning Xin.

"Your company?" Ning Xin looks at Chunyi Tanaka curiously. She just remembers that she is going to come to the 11th floor to find Luo Xiwei. So, Ning Xin asked Tanaka Chunyi, "what company is this?"

"First studios." Tanaka Chunyi replies to Ning Xin very politely. He looked up and down Ningxin, and found that Ningxin is also a beauty of the role! Whether it is her face, her figure, or her actions, all reveal an extraordinary beauty temperament. Tanaka Chunyi thinks that she is just like Luo Xiwei, a rare beauty! However, the difference between this lady and luoxiwei is that her figure is much better than luoxiwei! Looking at Ningxin concave and convex curve, Tian Zhongchun can't help feeling that there seems to be a fire burning in his heart! In Tanaka Chunyi's heart, can't help but have a very beautiful impulse to Ningxin.

"Film and television companies?" Ning Xin looked at Chunyi Tanaka doubtfully and said to her, "well Do you know luoxiwei Ning Xin asked.

"Miss rothiway?" Tanaka Chunyi's face showed a very happy smile. So this girl knows Luo Xiwei! So we all know each other! So what he wants to do seems to be getting easier. He looked at Ning Xin with a smile and said, "do you know miss luoxiwei?"

"More than recognition?" When Ning Xin spoke, she couldn't help but change a tone of disdain. However, Tanaka Chunichi is Japanese, and he can not understand the feelings of her voice.

"You know each other well?" Tanaka Chunyi can't wait to ask Ningxin.

"Yes! I know Luo Xiwei very well As long as Ning Xin thinks of Luo Xiwei, she can't help but give a sneer, "moreover, I know what kind of person Luo Xiwei is. By the way, do you know where she is? Can you take me to her? "

"Are you looking for Luo Xiwei?" Tanaka Chunyi is very happy. Since she is Luo Xiwei's friend, and he holds Luo Xiwei so strongly today, if he wants to pursue this girl, Luo Xiwei will certainly help! Even if Luo Xiwei doesn't want to help, she is sorry not to help! Therefore, Tanaka Chunyi is very happy to take Ning Xin to the dressing room.

However, what he didn't think of was that what happened next was totally different from what he imagined! He thought that the meeting of sisters, and meeting on such an occasion, must be a touching picture full of tears and tears. But the reality is

"Luoxiwei!" Ning Xin stepped into the door of the dressing room and recognized Luo Xiwei's back at a glance. She was sitting upright, and a handsome foreign makeup artist was making up for her.

Luo Xiwei recognized the voice of Ning Xin, but she couldn't help shaking her heart: How did she find here?

Lucy turned around and she saw the woman's face! It's the face of a girl who just yelled and scolded downstairs, completely unlike a lady! And now, she still kept the same swearing look just now, and came here! Lucy was scared out of her wits. Standing beside Luo Xiwei, she watched Ning Xin stride towards them, and could not help but go forward to stop her.

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