Tian Zhongchun looked at the crowd and said, "it seems that Miss Park Yunmin took advantage of the company's unfamiliar rules and regulations to force Jack to make up for park Yunmin with her own actions. Then, Jack made up for Miss Park Yunmin, but delayed making up for the heroine Luo Xiwei, right?"

"Yes..." Jack stammered to Tanaka, "this is basically the case."

"But There is no play of Miss Park Yun min today. " Tanaka Chun looked at Jack and said to him, "you are not familiar with the company's rules and regulations. You don't even know who to make up for, right? You can have a good and careful look at the makeup list this morning. Is there any name of Miss Park Yunmin in it? "

"What?" Jack suddenly feels like he's been fooled! Since Park Yunmin has no part in the play today, why does she come here to make trouble and make up? And ordered him to make up for her! He looked at Ning Xin with a pair of disgusting eyes, and simply had no good feelings for her. He carefully looked at the morning when put on his desk, but he did not have a detailed list of makeup, can not help but start to hate Ning Xin! He said to Ning Xin, "Miss Park Yunmin, you are going too far! Since there is no play for you today, it's wrong for you to come over and make up. What's more, you have to ask me to make up for you, even Tony doesn't want to make you up... "

"However, since I am an actor in the company, I should make up and make myself more beautiful." Ning Xin said to Jack, "as an actor of the company, should I walk around in plain face? Isn't that going to affect the company's image? "

"Miss Park Yunmin, it's reasonable to say that if you don't film, you are not qualified to let the crew make up for you. You can either make up yourself, or you can make up in an ordinary dressing room. " Jack said to Ning Xin, "if you really want to make up and don't want to do it yourself, you can go to the ordinary dressing room."

"But I just like the more skilled makeup artist to make up for me!" Ning Xin almost has some strong arguments.

"You Jack looked at Chunyi Tanaka helplessly and said, "Mr. Tanaka, Miss Park Yunmin is really unreasonable!"

"All right Tanaka looked at Jack and Tony and said, "since neither of you is familiar with the company's rules and regulations, and you don't work hard, you don't even have a close look at the makeup you put on your desk in the morning. That's all for you today! The cast won't take long to make up. So, you two should recite the company's rules and regulations in case you don't remember them

"What?" Tony and Jack almost simultaneously widened their eyes and said with emotion.

"It's a mistake in your own work. It's a punishment for your work." Tanaka said to Jack and Tony.

"However, it is clearly the fault of Miss Park Yunmin..." Jack is very unconvinced to look at Chunichi Tanaka and says to him.

"Don't worry." Tanaka Chun looked at Jack, who was unhappy, and said to him, "as for Miss Park Yunmin, I will handle her mistakes well. She will be punished as much as you do to match her mistakes. Let's get busy with each other first! Miss Park Yunmin, please come with me. "

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