"Oh." Ning Xin's mouth said, while some reluctantly followed Tian Zhongchun out. Her heart has a kind of inexplicable foreboding, but also seems to be completely unable to guess the mind of Tanaka Chunyi. At the same time, he shows a very cold look and punishes Tony and Jack, so that Ning Xin can't see whether he is blaming Tony and Jack or her in Chunyi Tanaka's mind. As a result, she has been worried until Tanaka Chunichi spoke to her, the expression on her face expanded.

"Yunmin." Tanaka Chun looked at Ning Xin and said to her, "what Tony and Jack said should be true? They should not have slandered you? "

"No Ning Xin shook her head at Tian Zhongchun.

"Well Is this your fault? " Tian Zhongchun reasoned forward step by step and slowly said to Ning Xin.

"Yes." Ning Xin couldn't help but pout her mouth. Her eyes felt a little trembling at Chunyi Tanaka. She was still thinking about what kind of punishment Tianzhong Chunyi should give her.

"Yesterday, I told you, your play, I will add slowly. Maybe in a week, you can join the cast and work with them. So, you know that you have no part in today's show. You deliberately make trouble in the dressing room. You deliberately want to make trouble for Luo Xiwei, don't you? " Tian Zhongchun asked Ning Xin.

"I..." Ning Xin frowned and said to Tanaka Chunyi, "but People think that today's first day of work, can finally film it. I don't remember you said it would take a week to film I really thought I had a part to play today... "

"Even so." Tanaka Chunyi said to Ning Xin, "then you should ask Tony to make up for you, not Jack!"

"But how do I know I should call Tony instead of Jack?" Ningxin said to Tanaka Chunyi, "since my part has not come down, how can I know who my makeup artist is?"

"Yunmin, what you said is quite reasonable." Tian Zhong Chun said to Ning Xin solemnly.

"Yes?" Ning Xin said happily to Tanaka Chunyi, "that In that case, I didn't do anything wrong, did I? You won't punish me, will you? " Ning Xin is almost a little happy to look at Tanaka Chunyi, full of thought that she can escape this punishment.

"Since you don't know who your makeup artist is, you know you don't have a role today." Tanaka Chunyi retorted, "in this case, you are knowingly guilty. You are deliberately making trouble in the dressing room, aren't you? As long as the actors and actresses who have a part in today's play, they all have their own information. And you have no information. So your heart is very clear about all this. Ning Xin, you are deliberately making trouble. "

Tanaka Chunyi's reasoning makes Ning Xin fall into a dilemma! To what Tanaka Chunyi said, she was speechless! Suddenly, she looked at Chunyi Tanaka with coquetry and said to him, "well, well, I admit that I did it on purpose. But Tanaka, I'm your girlfriend. Even if I'm not an artist in your company, what happens if you want your employees to make up for me? As your girlfriend, don't you even have the right to rub a make-up? "

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