"Yes! I'm a new contract actor. " Ning Xin was very frank and said, "why, are you also a newly signed actor?"

"I'm not." Cheng Xuehui really did not expect that Ningxin not only is very straightforward, but also will take words to choke her, let her feel embarrassed! However, Cheng Xuehui has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, and has a lot of experience in the river and the lake. Therefore, Ning Xin, who is just a child, can not defeat Cheng Xuehui. Cheng Xuehui looked at Ning Xin and said to her, "I have signed a contract with a domestic film and television company, so, of course, it's not the contracted actor here. I'm a owner. "

"Yes?" Ning Xin looked at Cheng Xuehui and asked, "what are you doing here? You didn't come here just to see them acting, did you? "

Ning Xin is right. Of course, she didn't come to see them acting! However, Cheng Xuehui is impossible to tell Ning Xin the reason. Even if she wants to tell her, she has to wait until she signs the contract.

At this time, Chunyi Tanaka suddenly appeared in front of them! Before waiting for Ningxin to greet him intimately, Cheng Xuehui has already stopped him!

"Mr. Tanaka!" Cheng Xuehui immediately seized the opportunity and went to Chunyi Tanaka.

Ning Xin, who has just been in love with Tanaka Chunyi, is suddenly shocked when she looks at her being stopped by Cheng Xuehui! Is Cheng Xuehui here for Tanaka Chunyi? What does she want to do with Tanaka Chunichi? Does she want to change targets? Did she find that she and Park Ji ho had no hope of continuing, so she wanted to rely on Tanaka Chunyi? From now on, is Cheng Xuehui her love enemy? Ning Xin's mind suddenly occupied a lot of problems, she was very suspicious of Cheng Xuehui's behavior.

"Hello, ma'am!" Tanaka Chunyi said hello to Cheng Xuehui very politely. He only felt that Cheng Xuehui's beautiful face seemed quite familiar, as if he had seen it before, but he couldn't remember who she was, what she was, and where they had seen her. So, Tanaka Chunyi looked at Cheng Xuehui very seriously and said to her, "you are very beautiful. Have we met somewhere?"

Ning Xin's heart suddenly felt very angry! What is Tanaka Chunyi talking about? He praised another woman in front of his girlfriend for being very beautiful? As a boyfriend, how can he treat his girlfriend like this?! Does Tanaka Chunyi really don't understand, or does he not want to consider her feelings at all?! Ning Xin simply felt annoyed!

So, Ning Xin immediately walked between Tanaka Chunyi and Cheng Xuehui, looked Cheng Xuehui up and down, and said to her, "why, you have Park Zhihao's child in your stomach, and you find that park Zhihao doesn't want your children at all. He doesn't want to be responsible for you. You want to find a man to be a catcher, so you can take your grenade?"

"What do you mean?" Cheng Xuehui looks at Ningxin silently and finds that Ningxin knows a lot. No matter how Ning Xin knows this, at least, what she said is completely reasonable. It can be seen that Ning Xin is not as simple as she imagined!

Ning Xin couldn't help but glance at Cheng Xuehui and bit her teeth in secret: "we are all Chinese, and I don't speak foreign language. Can't you, a smart big star who has been in the entertainment industry for so many years, understand it?" Ningxin said to Cheng Xuehui impertinently.

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