"Girl." Cheng Xuehui looks at Ningxin and feels a little unhappy in her heart. However, she still resisted the strong unhappiness in her heart and said to Ning Xin, "what do you mean, please?"

"What do I mean, don't you understand?" Ningxin looked at the face full of "small three" breath, then said to Cheng Xuehui, "I mean, you want to find Tianzhong Chunyi when the pan Xia."

"That's funny!" Cheng Xuehui glanced at Ningxin and said to her, "since you know that I am pregnant with PU Zhihao's child, you should know that Pu Zhihao is the son of Pu Zhentian. Now that Pu Zhentian is dead, Pu Zhihao is also the eldest son of Park Zhentian, he naturally becomes the successor of yanmiao group. This in my stomach is the eldest grandson of the park family and naturally belongs to yanmiao group Third generation successor. Is it necessary for me to give up my good life in the future in order to find a so-called "catcher"

"But you know, park will not marry you." Rather Xin not convinced to look at Cheng Xuehui, said to her.

"Yes, park may not marry me." Cheng Xuehui is very calm to smile, the corner of the mouth rises slightly. She looked at Ning Xin and said to her, "but what if he doesn't marry me? Would she marry you? I'll tell you, little girl, you're too young to make up your mind. Even if Park Zhihao doesn't marry me, he certainly won't marry you. What's more, even if he doesn't marry me, once I give birth to the baby in my stomach, he won't even ignore the child in my stomach, right? Even if he doesn't care about his children, he has to pay a certain amount of maintenance at least? And he is the inheritor of yanmiao group. The living expenses given to the children are not pitifully small, right? Girl, you really want too much. How can I find Tanaka Chunyi to be the catcher? Even if I want to look for the pan Xia, I have to find a man who is as elegant and rich as park Min Ho, right? Of course, I'm not saying that Chunyi Tanaka is not good, but judging from his age, he can be my father soon. By the way, girl, do you care so much whether Tanaka Chunyi will be robbed by me? Do you have a secret love for Tanaka Chunyi? You said that you, a young girl in the prime of life, are not serious about looking for a handsome young man to fall in love with your age. What kind of uncle are you looking for! Can you feel for uncle? I'll tell you. I'm here to discuss my work with Junichiro Tanaka. Don't worry, I won't mean anything to him! I can't look so bad! " Cheng Xuehui can't help but look at Ning Xin.

"Lady, do you think there is something I can't match Yunmin?" Cheng Xuehui's voice just fell, Tian Zhongchun said to Cheng Xuehui curiously.

At this time, Ning Xin, standing on one side, sees that Chunyi Tanaka has understood Cheng Xuehui's words and interrogates Cheng Xuehui, so she can't help but enjoy herself.

"Mr. Tanaka..." Cheng Xuehui can't help but be shocked! She originally thought that Tanaka Chunichi was a Japanese, and naturally he could not understand Chinese. However, he never thought that Chunyi Tanaka could speak to her in fluent Chinese! Standing there, she said to Tanaka, "you Aren't you Japanese? How can the Chinese call him Chunyi Tanaka? "

"I'm Japanese." Tian Zhongchun nods to Cheng Xuehui and says to her, "Japanese who can speak Chinese."

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