"Installment payment?" Park Yunmin suddenly burst out laughing! She couldn't help but feel funny in her heart, only two thousand dollars, she even had to pay in installments! Anyway, Lucy is an American. Are Americans so poor? This simply makes Park Yunmin feel a little incomprehensible. She has been studying in the United States for half a year. As far as she knows, most students in the United States are living on more than 2000 dollars a month! But Lucy, who has a job, can't even get two thousand dollars? This can't help but let Park Yunmin feel surprised. She stares at Lucy and says, "did I hear you right? Do you want to pay by instalments? "

"You heard me right." Lucy said to park Yunmin. She looked at Park Yunmin with a little distrust and said to her, "but Is that all right? "

"Yes. Of course Park Yunmin nodded and said to Lucy, "how many periods do you want?"

"Ten issues..." I saw Lucy very embarrassed to say. Then she could not help burying her head. She's so sorry, she didn't even have two thousand dollars! After thinking about it, she seems to be able to save only 200 dollars a month, which seems to be no more.

"Ten issues?" Park Yunmin can't help but be surprised again. She thought Lucy was going to be divided into two or three phases, but she never thought that she wanted to be divided into 10 periods! In other words, Lucy can only pay her back two hundred dollars a month? Is that something? It's only two hundred dollars, but there's still a difference?! Two hundred dollars is not enough for her to crack her teeth! Park Yunmin spends nearly ten thousand dollars a month, but she already feels that she has been very diligent and thrifty! She couldn't help looking at Lucy and saying, "are you sure it's in ten issues?"

"Well!" Lucy nodded her head at Park Yunmin and said, "I'm very sure!"

Park Yunmin's heart is about to collapse! She has never seen such a poor American! She looked at Lucy. She didn't really look at her carefully. Now, park Yunmin finally finds out that Lucy's clothes are so simple! However, fortunately, Lucy is very plain. Otherwise, I'm afraid Park Yunmin can't force herself not to hate Lucy in her heart. I don't know why, park Yunmin is born with a sense of rejection for people who are sloppy. Fortunately, Lucy didn't give her that feeling, otherwise, she would feel uncomfortable from the first sight of Lucy. However, she did not.

"All right, then." Park Yunmin looked at Lucy helplessly and finally said to her, "since you are so short of money Forget it. You don't have to pay. I don't want that money anyway

Park Yunmin said this to Lucy very sincerely. She said that if she didn't need Lucy's compensation, she really didn't need Lucy's compensation. What's more, she is really not short of money, not at all. Park Yunmin thinks that the most important thing in her life is money.

"How can it be done?" Lucy took a look at Park Yunmin and said to her, "I did something wrong tonight. I'm sorry for you. Even if it doesn't affect your health in the future. But I broke your cell phone and wet your new purchase. I will pay for everything I say. It is an eternal truth that people should be compensated for what they have damaged. " Lucy said to park Yunmin calmly.

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