"That's good." Park Yunmin looked at Lucy and said to her, "since you insist on paying, I won't stop you. Then you should pay for it! " Park Yunmin said casually to Lucy.

"How about that?" Luo Xiwei looked at Park Yunmin and said to her, "Yunmin, I will give you two thousand dollars for Lucy. Then, the rest will be returned to me in installments by her. What do you think? "

"All right! Whatever. I'm ok. " Park Yunmin said to Luo Xiwei. Then she yawned and said to luoxiwei, "I'm sleepy. I want to sleep. Go to bed early, too

"Well!" Luo Xiwei nods to park Yunmin. She watched Park Yunmin lie down suddenly, looking very sleepy. As soon as park Yunmin lay down, he closed his eyes and looked very tired.

"Sister luoxiwei!" Lucy looked at Roxie awkwardly and said, "thank you."

"You're welcome." Luoxiwei looked at Lucy seriously and said to her, "we are sisters! What is it to pay you back? Besides, the money is loaned to you. It's really welcome. "

"Thank you, sister rothiway." Lucy was very moved to look at Luo Xiwei, tightly grasped her hand, and then looked at Park Yunmin, who began to snore for a second. Looking at her sleeping soundly, she could not help but dislike Park Yunmin. Then, she said to Luo Xiwei, "sister luoxiwei, do you allow Park Yunmin to rob your bed like this?"

"Anyway, we are not good tonight." "What's more, from now on, we are roommates. We should help each other. Besides, park Yunmin has always been a young lady. When did she live with people? She grew up living in a villa, but now she wants to live with us. Although the conditions here are OK, compared with the villa she lived in from a small house, it is a thousand miles worse. These have been enough to aggrieve her, after all, she has not suffered much since childhood. What's more, it can be said that we bullied her first tonight, and we should make any concession to her. "

"But sister Luo Xiwei It's her who bullied you these two days. That's why I revenge her like this. " Lucy said to luoxiwei, "I just want to protect you and us. I don't mean to bully her. Is it wrong that I want to protect myself and us?"

"Lucy, you can't say that." Luo Xiwei looked at Lucy very seriously, touched her head, and said to her, "I know that you are for my good, you are starting for me. Lucy, you are really a good girl. I'm very grateful that you can protect me so much, and I'm glad to meet a kind girl like you to make friends with me. But, Lucy, although our starting point is good and we want to protect ourselves, we hurt others while protecting ourselves. In this case, we are wrong. Lucy, park Yunmin has always been my sister in my heart, and you are also my sister. I really hope that we can get along well in the future As Luo Xiwei said, she was very excited and looked at Lucy seriously and laughed at her. This made Lucy suddenly feel the warmth of her relatives, and Lucy's tears suddenly filled her eyes.

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