When he woke up the next day, Anson was waiting downstairs as before.

When Luo Xiwei passed downstairs, she ignored him and passed by his car. But Anson got out of the car and stopped her.

“Anson。” Luoxiwei looked at Anson suspiciously and said to him, "what do you want to do? Do you still want to block my way

"Of course I don't mean that, miss rothiway." Anson quickly said to luoxiwei, "I want to take you to work. Come on, get in my car Anson said, pulling luoxiwei to the car.

"What if I say no?" Luo Xiwei's eyes are full of firmness to Anson.

"Why not? I can't think of any reason why you don't get on the bus. " Anson said to luoxiwei, "although your company is not too far away from here, it doesn't take ten minutes to get there at such an early time. But if you go on foot, I'm afraid it will take you an hour to wear such high heels. And when you get to the company, you'll get a lot of blisters on the soles of your feet. At that time, I don't know if it will affect your filming today. You know, almost all the time you're filming, you're standing. You only have time to sit down when you have lunch and rest at night. If you really want to shoot a movie with pain in your feet all the time, can you do it well? " Anson said to luoxiwei.

Anson's words made Luo Xiwei feel a little scared. She quickly put away her feet, which meant she wanted to go to Anson's car. However, looking at Anson's confident look, she couldn't help but recycle her feet. She said to Anson, "tell me who sent you."

"Does it matter?" Anson could not help touching his chin and said to Luo Xiwei, "can we have a pleasant chat and stop discussing this problem?"

"How about that? I don't know who sent you to pick me up Roxie said to Anson, "how can I take your car?"

"I don't need you to pay me. It's free. The cost of all this is borne by my boss. " Anson said to luoxiwei.

"Who is your boss, then?" She said to Anson.

"Why, are you afraid that it's not safe to ride in my car and that I'll sell you?" Anson said to Luo Xiwei with a smile, "miss luoxiwei, do you think I am such a bad person?"

"Like! It's like that! " Luo Xiwei said, suddenly thought of a way. Although she is tired of walking, she can take a taxi! So, she quickly walked forward a few steps, came to the roadside, quietly waiting for the arrival of the taxi. She smiles and says to Anson, "I'm not in your car. I'll take a taxi. "

"Taxi?" Anson suddenly looked at Luo Xiwei with a pair of exaggerated eyes, and then said to her as if she was watching the play well! Good taxi! However, it's so partial here. Do you think you can get a taxi here? According to my experience of living in the United States for five years, I don't think there will be a taxi passing by at this time in the early morning. If you want to wait, you can wait here! I'll wait with you until the end of time, the sea is dry and the rocks are rotten... "

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