"You..." Anson's scoundrel looks like the one when Park Min Ho pursued her. If it wasn't for park Min Ho who was still recovering in the hospital at the moment, she really suspected that the man standing in front of her at the moment was not Anson, but park Min Ho! Luo Xiwei can't help but stare at Anson, feeling the similarity between Anson and park minhao! She looked at Anson so stupidly that he was almost embarrassed.

"What am I?" Anson saw Luo Xiwei so staring at him, he couldn't help but look at himself and said to Luo Xiwei, "I didn't make a fool of myself, did I?"

"No Only then did Luo Xiwei realize that she seemed to have fallen into meditation. Her eyes may make Anson think she likes him. So she quickly explained, "I just I was just thinking There may be taxis here. Well With that, Luo Xiwei nodded and moved her eyes away from Anson. She could not help but breathe a sigh of relief in the bottom of her heart. Fortunately, Anson didn't find the softness in her heart. As long as she thought of Park minhao, Luo Xiwei could not control her feelings very well. She was also afraid that others would see through her. She laughed that she cared too much about her feelings and was afraid that others would tell her. As long as she was serious, she would lose. In Luo Xiwei's opinion, people who attach importance to feelings are all good people, and those who do not attach importance to feelings are not good people. But, in fact, many people don't think so. Therefore, sometimes, luoxiwei even thought that she was an unusual monster, so she felt some inferiority. Fortunately, no one found her inner distrust, except Park Min Ho. In front of Park Min Ho, Luo Xiwei is like a transparent body. She can be seen very thoroughly by park Min Ho, and she does not mind that park Min Ho can see her so thoroughly. In Luo Xiwei's view, she and park minhao have long been integrated into one, inseparable from each other.

But what about the facts? Luo Xiwei and park minhao finally parted ways. Even at this moment, Luo Xiwei has realized that there is no love relationship between Pu Yunmin and park minhao, but she still dare not think about the future of her and park Minho. She always thinks that park minhao has his reasons for doing so. No matter whether Park Min Ho really does not love her, or to protect her, or there are some more unspeakable reasons, Luo Xiwei has accepted such a fact, and no longer hopes to be reunited with Park minhao. She was so tired that she was exhausted by love. Now, Luo Xiwei just wants to make a good film, to be an actor and to develop her career. As long as she devoted herself to her work, Luo Xiwei felt that she was a man of flesh and blood, rather than a walking corpse. Although she could not enrich herself with love, she could still enrich herself with her work, which would make her feel satisfied in life, rather than boring, boring, tired and empty.

"No, what do you mean?" Anson couldn't help laughing, and then, almost smugly, he looked at Roxie and said to her, "what's up? It's almost five minutes. There's no taxi. I think you still listen to me. Get in the car and I'll take you to the company. "

"Wait a minute, maybe there will be." Luo Xiwei still refused to give up. She waited patiently, looking forward to the appearance of a taxi, even if it was a taxi carrying people. This could prove that there was a taxi passing here in the early morning.

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