However, everything disappointed Luo Xiwei. Luoxiwei had been standing on the side of the road for ten minutes, and no taxi passed by. What's more, although she had only waited for ten minutes, Luo Xiwei, who was extremely anxious, felt that this short ten minutes was like ten thousand years, which made her feel incomparably long.

"Luoxiwei." At this time, Anson finally said, "get in the car! Fifteen minutes have passed. If you don't leave, you will be late. If you're late, the crew will have a problem with you. You're not going to be so angry with me that you don't have to go to the company to film and delay all the crew's time? "

Anson makes sense! Luo Xiwei could not help becoming very worried. She looked at both ends of the road from a distance, but she never saw a taxi! Luo Xiwei is really very strange, this American does not take a taxi? Although it was still early, there was no taxi in the early morning, which shocked Luo Xiwei! That's not what Lucy told her the day before yesterday. Anson told her that she came to work by taxi. But why can Lucy get a taxi while she can't? Is this really the legendary "character problem"? Luo Xiwei could not help but feel strange. She looked at Anson with a very puzzled look, but Anson was very happy, as if full of confidence in all this.

"Did you do it?" Luo Xiwei suddenly opened her eyes, staring straight at Anson, and said to him.

"Trick?" Anson couldn't help laughing. "What can I do? America is so big, I am a poor driver. What can I do? Miss rothiway, I think you think too much

Luo Xiwei looks at Anson suspiciously. She really hopes that she is like what Anson said. She thinks too much. She watched Anson get on the car, and he didn't invite her to get on the bus again. However, luoxiwei had to brave herself into Anson's car.

"I said there was no car here. Now you should believe me?" Anson started the car and said to luoxiwei, "you must sit still. You have been standing on the road for 15 minutes today. It seems that I have to drive faster today."

"That doesn't have to be." Luoxiwei said to Anson, "it's less than ten minutes away. No matter how fast you drive, you can't make up for the loss of 15 minutes. Even if you can let me cross in a second and get to the company immediately, it's still five minutes late. "

"You have a good sense of humor." Anson smiles and says to Luo Xiwei.

"Each other." Luo Xiwei looks at Anson, but there are still doubts in her heart. What kind of way can Anson tell her the truth. She thought hard, but felt that she had wanted to break her scalp, but still seemed to have no way to take Anson. She could not help sighing, and suddenly felt sad for her helplessness.

"I know what you're thinking." Anwei suddenly said, "I'll tell you what it's like to open your mouth to me, and tell me what it's like to make you laugh at me." With that, Anson looked at Luo Xiwei confidently, and he looked very mysterious with his mouth slightly up. , the fastest update of the webnovel!