"You've given me such a century's problem." Park Yunmin smiles faintly and looks at Tanaka Chunyi seriously. He can't help but give out a sneer from his nose.

Tanaka Chunyi doesn't understand what Park Yunmin means at all. He didn't understand why Park Yunmin just let out such a sneer, which made Tanaka Chunyi feel inexplicably afraid! He stares at Park Yunmin, can't believe, at this moment of her, will let him feel so strange! He gave Park Yunmin a faint look and said, "Yunmin, you..." He pursed his mouth, looked at Park Yunmin seriously, and said to her, "you say What century problem? "

Park Yunmin smiles and gently lifts up the hair in his ear. Then, he pinches the hair in his ear and says to Tanaka Chunyi, "Tanaka, you don't see my development in the entertainment industry, do you?" After saying that, park Yunmin smiles at Tian Zhongchun one by one, with a natural expression on his face.

"I'm not..." At this moment, Tanaka Chunyi really does not know how to explain, in order to express his own true views. Indeed, he was not so optimistic about Park Yunmin. After all, she didn't look like a person who could shoot a film so seriously, nor was she a person with excellent acting skills. The reason why he agreed to let Pu Yunmin stay in the company was that he wanted to use such a method to keep Pu Yunmin and let her be his girlfriend! But now, with the passage of time, his love for park Yunmin is rising day by day. Naturally, he will have some personal feelings for park Yunmin and approve of her taking such a road. Although he often warned himself that we should talk about feelings and work separately, not to mix feelings in work, and not to discuss work when it is time to talk about feelings. However, all theories seem so easy, however, if you want to really put everything into action, it is simply more difficult than the sky! Tian Zhongchun sighed and looked at Park Yunmin with some helplessness. He said to her, "Yunmin, I'm not that I don't care about you. I'm just..."

"Just what?" Before Tanaka finished speaking, park Yunmin immediately interrupted Tanaka Chunyi. Then, she put on a very curious look, staring at Tanaka Chunyi, quietly waiting for his answer.

"Just..." Tanaka Chunichi thought for a moment. Instead of answering Park Yunmin's question, he said to her, "Yunmin, if you want to continue to film, you can stay. Of course, if you think that if lovers break up, there is no way to be friends, then you Leave the company. It's up to you. You make your own decisions. " Tian Zhongchun said, his face showed incomparable sincerity.

Park Yunmin had no choice but to smile. When Tanaka Chunyi said this, it seemed that he didn't say it! She looked at Chunyi Tanaka lightly and said to him, "after chatting for so long, what you gave me is still the answer just now. You didn't answer my question. You just repeated what you said just now. You still threw this question to me and let me choose by myself. Tanaka, in fact, this is also a kind of Irresponsible performance? " Park Yunmin can't help but say to Tanaka Chunyi. At the moment, park Yunmin's heart is still very sad.

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