"This..." Tanaka Chunyi was very surprised to see Park Yunmin and said to him, "how can this be irresponsible? Yunmin, I really don't know how you can suddenly associate this problem with "irresponsibility". Although I'm not a traditional Chinese, I'm also a conservative person. What's more, I didn't do anything to you when I was in love with you. So I think, Yunmin, it's not appropriate for you to use the four words "irresponsible" to describe me? " At this moment, Tanaka Chunyi and park Yunmin are full of disappointment. He never thought that park Yunmin would feel that he was an irresponsible person! This simply makes Tanaka Chunyi feel extremely sad!

"Tanaka..." Looking at Tian Chunmin, he said, "there must be a difference in our ideas between them. When I say irresponsible, I don't just refer to this aspect you just mentioned, but also other aspects of responsibility. "

"For example?" Tanaka Chunyi's two eyes are staring at Park Yunmin, very unconvinced to park Yunmin said.

"For example, you left the responsibility for this thing to me." Park Yunmin said to Tanaka Chunyi, "if you give me the right to choose this matter, you can take no responsibility for my going or staying. No matter whether I choose to leave or stay, if there is any problem in the future, you can shirk the responsibility completely. You can say without hesitation that this is my own choice at the beginning, it is my responsibility, and it has nothing to do with you Tanaka Chunichi. Tanaka, you are Japanese, I am Chinese. Although you are so interested in our Chinese culture, after all, you are not a native Chinese. The cultural differences between us have long determined that we can not really have a common language. "

"So, we had such a good time talking about Chinese culture and Chinese language. We talked so happily. All these are illusions?" Tanaka Chunyi looked at Park Yunmin reluctantly, and said to her, "or to say, those moments when we were chatting and laughing were all forced out by you. Were you pretending to be?"

"No!" Park Yunmin quickly denied, "Tanaka, I admit that I was really happy with you in those days. But... " Park Yunmin thought for a moment, but suddenly stopped.

"But what?" As soon as Tian Zhongchun saw that park Yunmin did not speak, he asked anxiously.

"Tanaka..." Park Yunmin can't help but move his steps to the direction of Chunyi Tanaka. Then, he looks at Tanaka Chunyi with an apologetic look and says, "in a word We Not suitable... "

"I know." Tanaka Chun can't help but smile silently, which is full of sadness and helplessness. He looked at Park Yunmin with some spoiled eyes, laughed and said to her, "Yunmin, I wish you happiness..."

Although Tanaka Chunyi sincerely and sincerely wishes Pu Yunmin happiness, in his heart, he has long been convinced that park Yunmin has fallen in love with others Therefore, Tanaka Chun can't help but swear in his heart that he must find out the man who defeated him!

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