"Why not?" Jin Yinyu was very unconvinced to look at Tanaka Chunyi, his mouth pouted high, "I said I would go to the hospital to take the child away, is this not OK?"

I'm sorry, miss jinyinyu. " Tanaka Chunyi looked at the gold and silver jade with some embarrassment and said to her, "even if it is like this, it can't work. You have signed a contract with the company under the condition of concealing the truth, which is in violation of the regulations of our contract. If you don't believe it, you can go back and find out what the contract says. And, miss jinyinyu, you really don't have to. Also, the child's matter, you must think clearly, don't take away again regret. I absolutely don't recommend you to do this. After all, it's a human life. What's more, it's against the law in the United States. "

"Isn't that easy?" Jinyinyu can't help but say to Tanaka Chunyi, "American law doesn't allow me to take away my child. Can't I have a fall or something? If you can't keep the children, there's no way for the hospital. "

Tanaka Chunyi felt that Jin Yinyu said this as if the child in her stomach was not her own. She even had to shirk the responsibility for removing the child. Tian Zhongchun one really does not know should admire her cleverness good, still feel her cold-blooded good. He could not help looking at the gold and silver jade, and once again comforted him: "miss jinyinyu, I think you should consider carefully. After all, no matter whether you take away the child or not, the contract between our company and you has been terminated. The contract clearly states that if the actor conceals his or her physical condition, the contract will be void, and the company has the right to require the defaulting party to pay a certain amount of liquidated damages. However, in the face of my good friend Lao Wang for many years, I don't intend to ask you for the penalty. Now that the contracts have been terminated, I think you'd better go back and give birth to the child. As for next year, whether you want to continue to study or to re-enter the performing arts circle, you have plenty of opportunities. After all, you are still so young. Why do you have to be so stubborn now? " Tanaka Chunyi said to Jin Yinyu with great care.

"I don't want this child. It has nothing to do with whether the contract can be solved or not." Jin Yinyu said to Tanaka Chunyi, "Mr. Tanaka, in this way, I am dismissed from the company, right?"

"It's the automatic termination of the contract." Tian Zhongchun said to Jin Yinyu. He didn't want to make his words so ugly and make the scene so embarrassing.

"Isn't that the same thing?" Jinyinyu couldn't help sneering. Then, she said to Tanaka Chunyi, "however, Mr. Tanaka, I won't just let it go. I will definitely come back to the company."

"You are welcome to apply again." Tanaka Chunyi seriously said to Jin Yinyu, "it's just that our company has an unwritten regulation that we will not accept any employees who leave first film and television. Almost all the people who came in were new people and had never entered the entertainment industry. When they go out, they either make great achievements, they change jobs and want to go to better companies, or they change careers because they have no future at all. For those who have been given the opportunity by the first film and television, but they don't cherish it well, but want to leave, the company will never give them a second chance. "

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