"Chunyi Tanaka, you!" This time, jinyinyu was a little nervous. She almost looked at Chunyi Tanaka angrily and said to him, "are you going too far?"

"Young people are so angry that sometimes they can't say what they want. I can understand that." Tanaka Chun couldn't help but say to Jin Yinyu, "if you speak to me with this attitude, I won't do anything to you. After all, my good friend Lao Wang is your father's friend, so in terms of Lao Wang's face, I don't care about you. However, if you still have the appearance of a thorn in your body, you will suffer a loss in the future. Young people, don't be too arrogant. "

"Chunichi Tanaka!" At this time, jinyinyu finally felt that she had seen through Chunyi Tanaka. She finally felt that Chunyi Tanaka was not a good man at all! Therefore, jinyinyu's face showed a ferocious scene. He could not help but curse Tian Zhongchun, "wait for me, I will find someone to ask for an explanation from you!" Finish saying, gold and silver jade head also does not return to leave.

Tian Zhongchun didn't take the words of jinyinyu as a little girl in his heart. He just felt that it was just the cruel words that jinyinyu said for a while. What kind of methods could she, a young girl, use to argue with him? In front of him, she simply can't help herself. She doesn't know what ginger is. Although Tanaka Chunyi knows that his heart is kind, but Jin Yinyu looks cruel. However, the little girl is a little girl after all, no matter how bad, can it be worse than his old man? Therefore, Tanaka Chun didn't take jinyinyu's words to heart. He only thought that she was angry because she left and couldn't control her emotions, so he said these words. Tanaka shook his head and couldn't help laughing.

When Jin Yinyu left here, she didn't close the door. Tanaka Chunyi is about to leave here, only to find Lucy suddenly passing by the door. He quickly stopped her: "Lucy!"

"What can I do for you, Mr. Tanaka?" Lucy stopped and said to Tanaka with a smile.

"Lucy, I heard you were in love recently?" Tanaka Chunyi looks at Lucy, can't help but say to her.

"Yes, Mr. Tanaka." Lucy's joy was beyond words. All her joy was written on her face, and she was clearly in love. She is very happy to smile, the two dimples on the edge of her mouth are deeply engraved on the edge of her mouth, which is very lovely. She blinked at Chunichi Tanaka and said, "what can I do for you?"

"Oh, I almost forgot." Tanaka Chunichi is totally attracted by Lucy's loveliness and completely forgets that he wanted Lucy to do something for him. At this time, fortunately, Lucy reminded him, and he remembered. So, he said to Lucy, "go upstairs and help me call Miss Cheng Xuehui to the conference room. I have something to look for her."

Lucy's face was shocked! She took a look at Cheng Xuehui in the corridor next to the conference room. Cheng Xuehui is looking at her very seriously, and while looking at her, she keeps shaking her head. Lucy just woke up like a fan, faltering to Tanaka Chunyi: "Oh Oh! I'm going. " With that, he ran to the elevator and pretended to be going to the 12th floor.

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