"Mr. Tanaka." Seeing that Chunyi Tanaka looked at her with such a strange look, jinyinyu said to him, "what do you mean by looking at me like this?"

"It doesn't mean much, Miss King." Tanaka Chunyi suddenly looked at jinyinyu casually and said to her, "as the boss of an enterprise, I really admire Miss Jin's management ability."

Jin Yinyu looked at Tianzhong Chunyi in a daze and said to him: "OK, don't talk much nonsense. You can tell me directly, will you let my brothers go

"It's not about whether I let it go or not." Tanaka Chun one can't help but say to Jin Yinyu, "it's whether they are willing to go or not. I just managed to persuade them to leave here and let you take the responsibility alone. Well, when you come here, a few words will make them want to stay here and die. "

"Chunyi Tanaka, you!" Gold, silver and jade are just a little angry. She hated Tanaka Chunyi for seeing her so thoroughly. Although he didn't seem to say too much, what he said seemed to be satirizing her, which made her feel extremely uncomfortable. She couldn't help but look at Chunichi Tanaka, and then angrily said to him, "I don't want to talk to you about this now. I just want to know, would you like to let them go now? Open the door, if you like

"I will! Of course I would! You are the mastermind. Since John has promised them instead of me, can I make my colleague a liar? But I'm willing to let them go, but they don't want to go themselves! " Tian Zhong Chun one can't help but say to Jin Yinyu.

"Are you going or not?" Jin Yinyu asked her brothers very readily.

"Miss King, we're not going!" Robin and some of the big men said with almost one voice, "we said, we will not leave!"

"You..." Jin Yinyu's face showed a very angry look. Just as she wanted to continue to say something, John's phone rang suddenly. At the same time, John said to Tanaka Chunichi, "Mr. Tanaka, it's candy."

"What are you doing? Pick it up Tanaka says to John almost anxiously.

"Oh, good!" John picks up the phone in a hurry, swipes it gently, orders the hands-free, and then says to the other person, "candy, how are you doing?"

"It's good. Everything's going well." Candy quickly reported the good news to John and said, "Miss Cheng Xuehui has successfully given birth to a baby girl, weighing two kilograms and eight taels. The mother and daughter are safe. However, the doctor said that because it was premature delivery, she and her child need to stay in the hospital longer than ordinary pregnant women. Although everything is good at the moment, there are some unexpected bad conditions, so doctors need to pay special attention to her, especially her children

"I see. Candy, you are a girl. Can you take care of her and accompany her in the hospital tonight? She seems to have no family in America. Until tomorrow, I will discuss with her again and ask her how to take care of her these days and whether to hire a nurse for her. Our company hasn't dealt with those thugs. Tomorrow, you tell Cheng Xuehui that when we solve the problem, we will go to the hospital to see her. "

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