"OK, director John. I'll tell Miss Cheng Xuehui. You can rest assured that I will take good care of Miss Cheng Xuehui this evening. " Candy said to John, "director John, what else can I do for you?"

"By the way, Miss Cheng Xuehui has just given birth to a baby. She may be very weak. Go and ask the doctor what she should eat. Then, you can buy her something to eat according to your needs! You can rest assured, these, the company will be reimbursed. " John said to candy.

"John, I see." Candy said to John, "well If you don't have any other orders, I'll hang up first. "

John looked at Junichiro Tanaka and saw a slight smile on his lips. He nodded quietly to John, acquiescing in John's decision.

So John said to candy, "OK, take good care of Miss Cheng Xuehui, and the company will make a contribution to you." John said that and hung up.

"You did a good job." After hanging up the phone, Tanaka Chunyi looked at John silently and said to him, "what you said to candy just now is what I want to say. What's more, you also thought of buying some food for Miss Cheng Xuehui. I didn't think of it in such detail. John, I have to say, you are really my good brother and the right-hand man around me. With you in the company, I really feel at ease about everything. " With that, Tanaka Chun couldn't help patting John on the shoulder with a lot of emotion.

"Mr. Tanaka, as a member of the first film and television group, these are all I should do. As an employee, if you don't think about the company, who else can you think about? " John can't help but say to Tanaka Chunichi, "Mr. Tanaka, that Candy has to deal with things over there. Is it time for us to finish things? "

Tanaka Chun couldn't help nodding in silence, and then said to John, "John, you haven't finished shooting today's play? Well, you go to film, and Lucy and I will take care of this

"But Is that all right? " John looked at Chunichi Tanaka with some worry, for fear that he could not make a decision on his own. So, he looked at Tanaka Chunyi with a puzzled look and said, "do you want me to help you?"

"No Tanaka said confidently to John, "don't you believe in my ability? Besides, you are a director. If you lack an actor, you can shoot other plays first. But if you don't have a director, how can the play go on? "

"I certainly don't believe in your ability, Mr. Tanaka..." John grinned awkwardly and said to Tanaka, "well In that case, I'll shoot with the actors first! Mr. Tanaka, if there is anything I need, please come to me and I'll be at your disposal. "

"Well." Tanaka nodded with great satisfaction and said to John, "go! Let's go and shoot the film

John just left and devoted himself to his film making career. All of a sudden, a large number of actors left, leaving behind Chunyi Tanaka, Lucy, jinyinyu and her so-called brothers.

At this moment, the gold, silver, jade, wood and wood pestle was there. Her eyes widened. She didn't know what kind of medicine Tanaka Chunyi was selling in his gourd. She didn't know what kind of action Tanaka would take next.

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