"Here we are, girl." The driver stopped the car steadily and said to Luo Xiwei.

"Here it is? To what? " Luo Xiwei looked at the splendid hotel, and she couldn't help but cry out a cold sweat. Is he determined to stop at the door of this hotel? Is he going to pose as an acquaintance to attack her next? What should she do to stop the perverted driver from doing harm to herself? Is it shouting or shouting? Is it a trick or a trap? Luo Xiwei's heart was uneasy. She just prayed that a hero like Spiderman would appear in front of her and rescue her. She looked at the driver helplessly, pale with fear.

"To the hotel!" The driver spoke louder, and he soon felt a little impatient. Then, he looked at luoxiwei and said to her, "give me the money."

"Money?" Luoxiwei is stunned! It turns out that he is going to rob! It's more acceptable to her than to have sex. Luo Xiwei could not help but slowly began to relax and said to him, "how much do you want? That's all I have. " Luo Xiwei said that she took out all the five hundred dollars and held them in the palm of her hand. Then she slowly sent her palm forward.

"Not so much. Eighty dollars." The driver pointed to the meter in the car and said to luoxiwei, "the total is 79.6 dollars. I'll charge you eighty dollars! There's still 0.4 dollars left. I can't change it. I'll take it as a tip for me. Do you think it's ok? "

"Yes! Of course Luo Xiwei said with a smile. All this is not robbery! It's not robbery! However, her heart and more than a trace of light doubt, she will gradually transfer their doubts to the color.

"What are you looking at? Don't you get off the bus yet The driver glared at Luo Xiwei.

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei looked at the driver and obviously didn't know what he meant. Is he going to let her go?

"The man you're following has entered the lobby of the hotel!" The driver said to Luo Xiwei, "if you don't get off the bus, you won't catch up with them."

"Ah?" Luo Xiwei is just shaking his head! She looked at the door of the hotel. Indeed, at this moment, Shen Huilan's hands are holding a man who looks gray but looks hale and hearty! Luo Xiwei realized that there was a reason for the driver to stop here! He didn't want to rob, not to rob, he had sent her to Shen Huilan's hotel! She then excitedly said "thank you" to the driver, and then rolled out of the car and flew towards the hotel!

"My God Luo Xiwei closely followed Shen Huilan very far behind, while she couldn't help sighing in her heart, "who is this man? Isn't Shen Huilan's father? It doesn't look like this age! It seems only a few years older than her. But Who is this man? Why did they enter such a luxurious hotel hand in hand? And She doesn't look like she wants to commit suicide. She looks in a good mood Park Zhentian died only a few days ago, she has no reason to find a new partner in just a few days, right? The funeral of Pu Zhentian has not been held yet... " Luo Xiwei couldn't help thinking, and there were countless questions in her head.

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