Luo Xiwei slowly follows Shen Huilan. Then, when Shen Huilan enters the elevator, Luo Xiwei follows her to the elevator door.

Soon, the elevator Shen Huilan was waiting for opened. Then she took the man's arm and walked all the way into the elevator.

After Shen Huilan stepped into the elevator, Luo Xiwei no longer hid in the corner of the corridor, but followed to the elevator door. She watched the elevator quietly, watching to see what floor it would stop.

"The sixth floor!" Finally, Luo Xiwei's eyes are firmly fixed on the number "6"! She pressed the button of the elevator in silence, and the elevator soon came down.

Then, Lo HSI Wei ascended all the way to the sixth floor. Out of the elevator door, she looked around, but surprisingly found that Shen Huilan and the man had not entered the room! They were at the door of a room, and they hugged each other very tightly! Then, the next two of them that intimate action, almost let Luo Xiwei conclude that Shen Huilan and the man is a love relationship!

So, what is park Zhentian? Park's body is still in the hospital, and his funeral has not been held. When did Shen Huilan fall in love with this man? Is it after Park Zhentian's death? Why do you have to move so fast, even after Park Zhentian's funeral, can't you wait to have fun with others? Also, if it was before Park Zhentian's death, they would have been better off. Isn't Pu Zhentian unjust? What's more, Shen Huilan shed so many tears in the restaurant just now. Is it true feelings or pretending? Luo Xiwei recalled the scene just now. Shen Huilan was the most sincere cry of a woman who had lost her husband at that time. She could not see any falsehood at all. But why did she throw herself into the arms of other men in the twinkling of an eye? Luo Xiwei can hardly accept such a gap! She helplessly looked at the ugly picture in front of her eyes, and could not help feeling sick in her heart!

About five minutes later, Shen Huilan and the man's behavior seems no longer suitable for outside. So, Shen Huilan pushed him open, and took out a door card from the bag and opened the door quickly. And that man's hand is still open teeth and claws, do not want to leave Shen Huilan even an inch of distance. He kept pestering Shen until the two entered the room and the door slammed shut.

Looking at room 66 in the distance. She could not help but sigh in silence, and a nausea suddenly rolled from the bottom of her stomach. Although she didn't despise other people's love at such an old age, luoxiwei could not accept it that she immediately fell in love with another man in less than ten days after her husband's death. What's more, the woman is no one else, but her mother-in-law, and the mother of Park Minho, the man she loves deeply! Should she tell Min Hao what she saw today? Luo Xiwei was very hesitant. She thought that if Min Ho loved his mother, even if she told the scene just seen, he would not believe it, right? Who would believe his mother would do such a thing? What makes Park Zhentian's face? Unfortunately, Luo Xiwei was only concerned about the shock just now. She didn't think of taking the evidence. She didn't have any evidence that could make park minhao believe. , the fastest update of the webnovel!