"What's the matter?" Min Wei looked at her very gently.

"Min Ho." Luo Xiwei didn't know if she really told Park minhao what she was worried about, whether he would be as unwilling to believe as he had just been, or would he put himself in his place to help her analyze the problem. So she said tentatively to park Min Ho, "well I just told you Do you believe that a godmother has a relationship with a man Luo Xiwei stares at Park minhao seriously and says to him.

"No This... " Park Min Ho suddenly became disoriented. He really didn't expect that Luo Xiwei would talk to him again this time? Park Min Ho really doesn't want to hear any gossip about Shen Huilan! However, since this is from Luo Xiwei's mouth, and Luo Xiwei has never been a unreasonable person. Therefore, park Min Ho finally decided to listen to Luo Xiwei. So he looked at Luo Xiwei seriously and said to her, "well, vivi. Seriously, when you said that just now, my mind was in a mess. I didn't know what I was talking about. In this way, you can tell me the truth from the beginning to the end, and then we can analyze it together. Do you think so? "

Park Min Ho's gentle words finally let Luo Xiwei down. She nodded seriously and said to park Minho, "well If I talk about something that you find unacceptable, don't be angry... "

"Good." Park Min Ho said to Luo Xiwei very patiently and gently.

"Min Ho. In fact, it's like this. " Luo Xiwei began to think about what she should say in order to organize the language clearly. So Luo Xiwei said to park minhao, "at noon today, I had lunch with my godmother. We talked a lot. She said that the store was often visited by her Godfather when she was young. Then she thought of Godfather and cried bitterly. After lunch, we were going to go our separate ways, but as soon as I thought she was crying so sad, I left. I was really afraid of what would happen to her. So I followed her. I know it's a shame to follow someone else, but I really don't want to have an accident with my mother. But then, when I followed her until I got to the hotel, I found that she was hugging a man, and And then he went into the room... " When talking about this, Luo Xiwei's face was flushed. At the thought of that unbearable picture, Luo Xiwei felt very embarrassed. At the door of the hotel room, before they could open the door, they had already done something that was not suitable for appearing in public. Luo Xiwei thought that it was hard to speak.

"Are you sure they're in a relationship, not embracing politely when they meet?" Park Min Ho looked at Luo Xiwei seriously and asked, "Wei Wei, you know, this is the United States. When Americans meet, they just like to hug. It's the same as we Chinese people nodding, smiling or shaking hands. It's nothing to hide." Although Park Min Ho knows that since Luo Xiwei feels that the relationship between Shen Huilan and the man is not normal, it is certainly not as simple as a polite hug when meeting. However, park Min Ho can not help but want to find some excuses for Shen Huilan.

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