"It's not like that, Minho." Luo Xiwei looked at Park Min Ho seriously and said to him, "I can still see the kind of hugging and even kissing out of politeness among Americans, or the strong action that lovers can't help but show because they like each other. The intimacy between the man and his godmother was no longer suitable for public. Their behavior at the door of the hotel room is half a step beyond the minefield. And Min Ho, besides this, I have other discoveries... " At this time, luoxiwei suddenly stopped talking.

"What discovery?" Park Min Ho couldn't wait to ask.

"That man should be a Chinese." When Park min Wei saw the man on fire in the hospital, he was in the hospital again

"The president of this hospital?" Park Min Ho can't help but feel a pain! All he knew was that the president of the hospital was the father of an old classmate of Park Zhihao. At that time, he and park Zhihao were as good as wearing the same pair of trousers. Because Park Zhihao and park Min Ho were often together, park Min Ho and his old classmate often played together. The three of them had a good relationship at that time. However, what Park Min Ho never thought of was that the father of this elder brother's old classmate had an affair with his mother! Park Min Ho was embarrassed by all this! He shook his head in pain and said to luoxiwei, "you mean, my mother and the director of this hospital are OK."

"That's not what I mean. I found it through observation. " Luo Xiwei quickly corrected the inappropriate description of Park Min Ho. She looked at Park Min Ho seriously and said to him, "Min Ho, there are more serious things. That is Zhihao also knows what happened between Ganma and the man... "

"How does he know?" Park Min Ho suddenly felt like a stick, some of which could not be accepted. It seems that all the people know about Shen Huilan and other men, but park Minho doesn't know? Park Min Ho suddenly had a feeling that everyone was in the dark! He gave a slight sneer and then said, "you all know? I don't know by myself, do I? "

"Minho, don't do that." Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao with some embarrassment and said to him, "we don't all know, but you don't know. I didn't know it until this afternoon, and I'll come to tell you the first time. When I first told you about it, you didn't believe it. "

"But how can I believe it when such a thing happens?! The man you are talking about is no one else, Shen Huilan! Shen Huilan is my mother Park Min Ho roared loudly. He still could not accept such a thing. Then, park Min Ho settled down and said to Luo Xiwei, "this thing Do you have any evidence? "

"Minho, you still don't believe me?" Luo Xiwei looked at Park minhao sadly and said to him. She knew that such a thing was really hard to accept, but park Min Ho's repeated doubts about her made Luo Xiwei feel more sad. She even began to think about such silly questions as whether the mother is important or the daughter-in-law is important.

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