"Well..." Su Mengjiao thought for a moment and said to Luo song, "if Anshan knew that it was because of Park Yunmin's help that Anshan would be so popular What will happen to him? Do you hate Park Yun min, or do you appreciate him? " Su Mengjiao's heart, of course, is to hope that Anshan will hate Pu Yunmin instead of being grateful or even liking Park Yunmin. After all, in that case, she would not have the slightest chance to be with Anshan. It's a wonderful idea, thought Su Mengjiao.

"This It depends on what kind of person Anshan is. " Luo Song said to Su Mengjiao, "whether he is with Park Yunmin because of gratitude, or because of his strong self-esteem, he hates Park Yunmin, it's OK. What I'm afraid of is He will know that park Yunmin is rich, and then stay with her because she is rich. In this case That's a crisis. "

"Will Anshan be with Park Yunmin for money?" Su Mengjiao asked tentatively.

"I don't know." Luo song shook his head and sighed silently, "after all, I really don't know this Anshan. If you know him, everything can be predicted. But I only investigated some information about him behind my back, and I didn't have any substantive contact with him. Even I've never met this man. But Mengjiao, let's have a rest early and don't think about these things that have nothing to do with us. After all, even if Anshan is called Park Yunmin's boyfriend, he still has nothing to do with us. Park Min Ho is just my boss, not my family. Mengjiao, you are the woman worthy of my whole life to care and cherish. " Finish saying, Luo song unexpectedly once again hugged Su Mengjiao, and then left a kiss gently on her forehead.

If such scenes and pictures happened even a few months ago, Su Mengjiao thought, she would be moved to tears. But at the moment, Su Mengjiao did not. She no longer expected Luo song to be nice to her, but she said such a thing, which made Su Mengjiao feel very sad. She prayed in her heart more than once, hoping that rosang would not say such numb words again, and would not have any intimate actions towards her, so that she could make up her mind to leave without hesitation. Thinking of this, Su Mengjiao could not help but shed warm tears.

It's just contradictory tears, painful tears. While Luo song felt Su Mengjiao sobbing in secret, he thought it was su Mengjiao's tears. But Luo song swore to himself more fiercely in his heart. He deeply believed that Su Mengjiao was the most important person in his life!

When Su Mengjiao woke up the next day, she found that Luo song had disappeared from her side as usual.

Su Mengjiao can't help but go to the kitchen and don't see the figure of Luo song. All she saw was a few sandwiches and a few eggs on the table. It's just that they're all cold. Through the window to see the door, Su Mengjiao found that Luo song's car is not outside the door. It seems that Luo song went to work again early in the morning. Su Mengjiao looked at the food on the table and couldn't help but feel funny. Even if Luo song seems to be a different person, what about making breakfast for her? Breakfast has been cold, and her heart, along with this cold breakfast slowly become cold. It's just a day's work to have a hot breakfast with her. Su Mengjiao thought, she really can't go on with Luo song.

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