When Su Mengjiao was disappointed, she suddenly heard that someone was opening the door.

Is it that rosang is back? Su Mengjiao can't help but feel some doubts. However, when she walked quickly to the door, the door suddenly opened. And what she saw in front of her eyes made her feel very happy! I saw a little familiar tall big sun big boy appeared in her field of vision! He is like a graceful man coming out of the painting, which makes Su Mengjiao feel relaxed and happy.

"Anshan?" Su Mengjiao can't help but recite the name of each other.

"Su Mengjiao?" An Shan looks at Su Mengjiao with a puzzled face, and her face is full of surprise.

"Do you know me?" Said the two, almost in unison.

"Anshan Are you an Shan, a newly rising writer Su Mengjiao looked at an Shan excitedly and said, "by the way, you You know me? "

"Of course I know you." Anshan also excitedly said to Su Mengjiao, "I knew you ten years ago, when I was still in middle school. At that time, I thought you were a very talented female writer. I always liked your writing. I've read all your works. I think, you must be a very good girl, delicate mind, between the lines full of love for the world, in the past ten years, your words are full of love, I think, you must be a very kind girl, so you will be full of feelings for everything around you. Since then, you have always been my idol. I have always told myself that I want to learn from you. I am determined to be a writer in order to have a face-to-face communication with you one day. I hope we can sit on an equal footing. I hope that I can appear in front of you as a bosom friend rather than as a reader I think I did it today. "

"You're famous now, and I'm your fan now." Su Mengjiao looked at an Shan with some shame and said to him, "yes I usually write with a pseudonym, and you can call my real name all at once. It's just fantastic! " Su Mengjiao, like a little girl who met her idol, danced with joy.

"Because I've always been your fan." An Shan looked at Su Mengjiao playfully and said to her, "I know, you used three pen names..."

"Well, I'm sure you know all about it." Su Mengjiao quickly said to Anshan. Looking at Anshan so excited to prove that she is indeed her fans, Su Mengjiao's heart feels particularly sweet. She laughed and said to Anshan, "by the way, how did you get here? This is my home. You won't be Did you come to see me Su Mengjiao joked.

"I I didn't know you lived here. " Anshan some sorry looking at Su Mengjiao, said to her.

"Well..." Su Mengjiao looks at an Shan with a puzzled face, and is obviously puzzled by all this.

"Oh, that's it." An Shan looked at Su Mengjiao and said to her, "yes Park Yunmin asked me to come. She said that the house belongs to her brother, so let me come here... "

"You You want to live together? " Su Mengjiao's heart suddenly sank, she seemed to suddenly feel her most together thing, so can't wait to ask.

"No, no, no! It's not like that! " Anshan repeatedly waved his hands and explained, "listen to me..."

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