"No, it's good." Seeing an Shan trying to explain, park Yunmin's heart is simply happy to bloom. If a man tries so hard to explain to a woman that he doesn't have a girlfriend, then even if they are not boyfriends, then at least the man cares about the relationship between them, and even if he is very likely to love the girl. As long as I think of it, park Yunmin is overjoyed. She quickly said to Anshan, "then you say Where are you now? I'll come to you. I was knocking at your house just now. Your aunt said you were not at home. I didn't believe it. I thought you didn't like me, so I began to hide from me. Now it seems that your aunt didn't lie. You're really not at home. And you didn't lie to me. Anshan, where are you? I brought the editor of the publishing house. She is the elder sister of my classmate in University. She is very authoritative in the publishing industry of the United States. This time, if you can also publish some books in the United States, I think your reputation will be even greater, and you will go from Jiangchuan to the international Park Yunmin said here, even a person excited to dance!

Originally, Anshan didn't want to see Park Yunmin. He was so sleepy that he just wanted to hold Su Mengjiao by her side and have a good rest for a few hours. This day and night of labor is really Anshan feel weak. When he worked hard, Anshan didn't feel so weak. Instead, he had a strong sense of achievement. But once he stops to have a rest, Anshan is like a runaway wild horse, suddenly seems to be going crazy. He felt that he might soon be unable to hold on, and his eyelids began to fight again. What's more, Su Mengjiao cheated her husband for him. He should know how to be grateful and stay with her. How could he leave Su Mengjiao so casually? When she wakes up, if she sees him absent, will she think he is a heartbreaker? Do you think he just left her? However, it was hard for him to take the initiative to see the American press. This publishing house's popularity in the United States is so high that almost every new writer published by them can become a well-known writer overnight. If such a publishing house can take the initiative to find him, it is simply a blessing that he can't repair in his 800 life!

But An Shan once again looked at the sleeping Su Mengjiao, he caught a glimpse of her mouth murmuring, that lovely and pure appearance once again moved him! Therefore, Anshan said to park Yunmin with some embarrassment: "can we have another day? I am now Something's going on. "

"What's the matter?" When Park Yunmin heard an Shan say he had something wrong, he was so angry that he almost went crazy! Today, I came to his residence with her, but the most successful editor in chief of the most famous publishing house in the United States! She has made most of the famous American writers popular! If she didn't go back and confess to Shen Huilan that she liked a handsome male writer in Jiangchuan, and then begged Shen Huilan to lend her one hundred million yuan, the editor in chief would never have stooped down to meet a young writer who was not well-known in the United States! She is not the elder sister of Park Yunmin's classmate at all. She deceives Anshan because she doesn't want to let Anshan know that his achievements were bought by money. She just hopes that Anshan can become popular all over the country as soon as possible! However, an Shan was so ungrateful that park Yunmin was so angry that he almost trembled! That's a hundred million!

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