"I I want to sleep Anshan told Park Yunmin truthfully.

"You want to sleep? Anshan? You are so funny. " Park Yunmin could not help but sarcastically said, "do you know who is bringing you today? If you're not here, we'll find you. However, Anshan, you should know that the editor in chief would not take the initiative to look for you when publishing such a matter. What's more, what's more, what I brought today is the editor in chief of the best publishing house in the United States. If you don't come out this time, you're so impolite that you don't even see anyone, and even ask for another day, I think even if you are really successful in the future, she won't pay attention to your works in the future. She will feel that your moral character has problems. "

"But I'm really sleepy now..." Anshan said, yawning to park Yunmin, "Oh, I'm really dying. Yunmin, I really appreciate your kindness. I really I'll come out to see you some other day, and say sorry to the chief editor for me. I'll treat you to dinner some other day. " An Shan said to park Yunmin lightly.

Park Yunmin suddenly felt flustered. She worked hard in front of Shen Huilan to be cute and thirsty. After saying good words all over the place, she begged for 100 million yuan. Then she asked many people she knew and did not know to find the editor in chief rose through various channels and relationships, and once again tried her best to invite her out of the mountain to meet a little writer who was not famous in the United States for the first time Is Anshan going to send them away with such an understatement of sorry and invitation to dinner? He's going to squander the hundred million she's scratched out of her body like this?! Park Yunmin is so angry that her hair will explode! She said angrily to Anshan, "no way!"

"No? All right, stop it, Yunmin. Is that ok? You are not my girlfriend, you do not always like my girlfriend, always order me this and that, always want me to appear when you want to see me. Yunmin, this is what a boyfriend should do, not an ordinary friend. " Anshan said to park Yunmin, "I am very grateful that you have taken the initiative to be my agent. I really appreciate that. If you want anything in return for that, I'll give you as much as I have, really. But... "

"Anshan! Even if you don't think about me, you should think about yourself at least! " Park Yunmin said to Anshan, "after all Editor in chief rose can make you an international writer Anshan, is this not attractive to you at all? "

"There is no end to money." An Shan can't help but say to park Yunmin, "besides, I always believe that gold always shines. I believe that no matter where I go, there will be a suitable road waiting for me. So, even if I lose the opportunity to work with rose this time, I think there will be another time. Even if chief editor rose doesn't like me from now on, there will be other Bole... "

"Anshan! Don't be silly! What always shines gold? You are in your twenties. Why are you so naive? " Park Yunmin could not help complaining, "do you know..." How Park Yunmin wants to tell Anshan what he has done behind his back, but he can't open his mouth. She felt that a talented and self righteous person like Anshan couldn't accept money as the backing of fame. As a result, park Yunmin finally stopped talking.

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