Su Mengjiao looked at an Shan so sincere eyes, heart can not help feeling very much. As long as he can love her so deeply, it is enough for him to love her so deeply. As for whether he can stay with Anshan all the time in the future, what's important? As long as every day with Anshan is happy and meaningful, as long as we can live up to the good time now, then, Su Mengjiao thinks, these are enough for her. Thinking of this, Su Mengjiao could not help but look at an Shan affectionately and said to him, "Anshan, you are very good, you are really good. I love you now. No matter what our future will be, we should be together and live up to each other and time, OK

"Good." Anshan held Su Mengjiao tightly in his arms and said to her, "however, what I want is not only the present, but also the future. Jiaojiao, I said I would wait for you. I will give you half a year to leave the man who doesn't love you, the man who betrays your good time, the man who will waste most of your life! Jiaojiao, you are so good, you shouldn't waste time on such a man. And I will also, for your sake, find out as soon as possible whether my affairs between He Pu Yunmin are true... "

"No!" Su Mengjiao suddenly said to Anshan, "don't check, OK?"

"Why? I just want to know the truth so that I can know for myself whether I am right for you. Jiaojiao, I just hope that I have no guilt for you and give you an absolutely satisfied future. It is also to make you have enough confidence in me to be with me An Shan looks at Su Mengjiao very firmly and says to her.

"Shanshan, I'm very moved and grateful to you for thinking so. I'm really lucky to meet a man who loves me like you Su Mengjiao looked at an Shan affectionately and said to him, "it's just Shanshan, I really trust you. So, whether that child is yours or not, I already know that it's not what you expect. Besides, even if you and park Yunmin really have that thing, I don't care. After all, I didn't know you at that time. At that time, you were still single and had no responsibility to me. You could relax yourself. Shanshan, I don't mind what your past is like. I just hope that you will have me in your life in the future. I hope you don't be influenced by park Yunmin and her children. I think we'd better not check whether the child belongs to you. I just hope that every day in the future, we can be well together. We're going to live for ourselves, for the future of both of us, and not be influenced by anyone else, OK

"But..." Anshan feels extremely hesitant. He just wants to give Su Mengjiao a perfect love. He hopes that he is perfect in Su Mengjiao's heart, not that she doesn't care about all his past. After all, the reason why Anshan is so strict with himself in the past is to give his future lover a perfect and complete self. In Anshan's heart, love should be perfect, love is to be perfect.

"Well, no more." Su Mengjiao stood on tiptoe and said softly in an Shan's ear, "I just hope Every minute and second after you, except for eating, sleeping and writing, the rest of your time is reserved for me , the fastest update of the webnovel!