"Good!" Anshan looked at Su Mengjiao seriously and said to her. However, he is not calm in his mind for a long time. He looked at Su Mengjiao this pair of attentively nestles in his bosom the appearance, immediately had more thick love to Su Mengjiao.

When Park Yunmin returned to the hospital, he was almost furious. As long as the thought of Anshan that does not want to be responsible for her appearance, she is angry. Although nothing really happened between her and Anshan that night, park Yunmin told herself more than once that she would like to be with Anshan that night and treat her baby as Anshan's. Although she is very clear in her mind, this child has nothing to do with Anshan's half dime. The child is obviously Chunyi Tanaka. She still remembers the day when she was with Tanaka Chun. On that day, she was so eager to let go of her guilt for Tanaka Chunyi. She wanted to make up for Tanaka Chunyi's kindness to her, so she did not hesitate to close her eyes, and what happened to Tanaka Chunyi and Tanaka Chunyi in the rest room of the first movie. Although there is no Tanaka Chunyi in park Yunmin's heart, and although he has Yashan in his heart, she can still distinguish her feelings from her body, and more than once in her mind, she imagines Tanaka Chunyi as Anshan. In this way, she can more freely dedicate herself to Tanaka Chunyi.

However, park Yunmin never thought that she would get pregnant. She didn't want to admit that the child was Chunichi Tanaka. She even thought that in the process of the birth of the child, all she thought in her mind was Anshan. Therefore, this child should be regarded as Anshan. Although the child may belong to Chunyi Tanaka in terms of blood, park Yunmin believes that when the child grows up, everything may be like Anshan, and even more like Anshan in spirit. After all, what she saw in her mind at that time was the tall and handsome figure of Anshan, and imagined all the feelings that Tanaka Chunyi brought to her into Anshan's feelings So, how can't this child be called Anshan?

How absurd is park Yunmin's idea! However, park Yunmin doesn't feel absurd. She even thinks that there is a basis for this. However, now Park Yunmin came to park Min Ho's side, can't help feeling heavy hearted. She had been walking alone for a day until it was dark, and she had nowhere to go before she returned to the hospital. When she returned to the hospital, park Min Ho had no one around.

"Brother!" Park Yunmin walked to park minhao, looked at him in surprise and asked, "are you alone in the hospital? No one to take care of you? What about Luo song? "

"Luo song?" Park Min Ho laughed, "Luo song is back!"

"Back?" Park Yunmin couldn't help frowning. Looking at Park Min Ho, he asked, "isn't he always very dedicated? What are you doing back so early? It's not like the usual style of Luo song! "

"Cough! What can be done? Who made Luo song wrong? At this moment, he seems to have a sudden awakening. " Park Min Ho paused and continued, "before I told him not to work overtime. When I asked him to go back, he would hardly go back. He had to finish his work. Today, I said to him, I don't have anything to do here. I will take care of myself. He ran out immediately! It's really He seems to have become homesick now? " Park Min Ho was also puzzled.

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