"Did Luo song make a mistake?" Park Yunmin couldn't help but stare at Park Min Ho and asked, "what mistakes did Luo song make? Brother, tell me about it

"Oh, it is Rosang and a foreign girl have a good time Park Minho said to park Yunmin, "by the way, you should know this girl. It is said that she is Lucy, the Secretary of Chunichi Tanaka, the first film and television company."

“Lucy?!” Park Yunmin felt incredible, "Luo song and Lucy? Oh, my God! That Lucy is so fat, how could roson look up to her? Besides, Roxon is so much older than Lucy Oh! No wonder I once heard Lucy mention rosang, and the tone of her voice when she mentioned him was so excited. I thought the little girl saw the uncle and thought he was a good man! I didn't expect that they really had an incredible love! Luo song is a guy who only works in his heart and doesn't seem to eat people's fireworks. I didn't expect that he was really romantic. He found a girl of eighteen years old

"But roson has decided to break up with that girl." Park Min Ho continued, "he now leaves at a little bit every day. It can be seen that he has only completed his own work for his work. Now he doesn't care about my life and death, and he goes home to see his wife early." Park Min Ho said to park Yun min in a pitiful tone.

"No wonder..." Park Yunmin couldn't help laughing and said, "I see, Luo song must have gone back to the hotel to look for the romance with his wife..."

"Hotel?" Park Min Ho suddenly froze, "Yunmin, what hotel do you mean?"

"It is The hotel where roson and his wife live together Park Yunmin could not help saying, "today I saw Luo song's wife Su Mengjiao and an Shan walk out of the hotel elevator together. I knew that Luo song and his wife lived next door to Anshan hotel. Brother, that hotel is wonderful. The rooms there are even better than our villa. But Anshan is going back to his aunt's house tonight, and he's staying there all night to have a quiet place to write novels. " When it comes to Anshan's staying in the hotel for the sake of writing a novel, park Yunmin's heart can't help shaking. If that's the case, then he doesn't have a mouse in his room. How can I explain this? Even Anshan himself can't explain why there is no mouse in his room, but he still created one night. Why does Pu Yunmin find those irrelevant excuses for him? Thinking of this, park Yunmin can't help feeling a little cold.

"You mean Roxon and his wife To the hotel? " Park Min Ho couldn't help being stunned. "Good boy, my villa is so good. If I loan him to stay, he will go to the hotel to find romance. But Luo song is really like a changed person. If he had changed his job before, he would never have done such a thing as wasting so much money to stay in a hotel. No romance is worth mentioning to him. However, he may be used to romance with that American girl now, and he is not used to it without romance, so... "

Park Min Ho has not finished, park Yunmin seems to suddenly think of something, and instantly turned away from here.

"Ningxin?" Park Min Ho called Park Yun min's nickname, but his voice was drowned in the somber ward. Park Yunmin has long been missing.

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